Example sentences of "still [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Thus was an It still smelling of an earlier American decade 's cultural anarchy unattractive to him , and the new Oz appealing .
2 The South therefore includes countries like Saudi Arabia with about 10m people and a GNP per capita of $12,230 per annum ; however , most of its income is derived from oil exports and investment income , and in economic and social terms it is still regarded as an underdeveloped country .
3 The most hazardous of all forms of patronage for the political manager was the presentation of a minister to a parish , for unless there was general agreement among the heritors and other parishioners , strong feelings were likely to be aroused in a church where patronage was still regarded as an alien intrusion without scriptural authority .
4 Czechoslovakia still insists on an inflated hard currency exchange rate which reflects its closed economy .
5 Care is needed to ensure that , following any novation , the interest payments which Target makes will still relate to an " advance " as required by s349(3) .
6 The prophet Tawney , now writing for the Manchester Guardian and still committed to an extension of grammar-school opportunities could , on the twenty-first anniversary of Secondary Education for All , write : ‘ Now , at last , the reign of organised torpor masquerading as statesmanship shows signs of ending . ’
7 This was not very difficult ; the Spanish still did not recognize other colonies in the Caribbean and the old rule of ‘ no peace beyond the line ’ went on , so that West Indian governments could still recruit on an official basis men who were committed to fighting against the Spanish whether the governments thought they were at war or not .
8 They have made a wonderful job of restyling the MG.It still looks like an MGB .
9 One peasant walked 15 versts to get Yakovlev to act on a building designated for a school that was still occupied by an influential peasant .
10 If the securities firm is a bank which has a banking branch in the UK , it will nonetheless still qualify as an overseas person if it does no investment business from that branch ; ( 4 ) Inter-dealer brokers acting as such ; ( 5 ) Listed money market institutions .
11 Among those covered by the files were Josef Mengele , a former superintendent of the Auschwitz concentration camp who had lived in Buenos Aires from 1959 until his death in 1979 [ see p. 33759 ] ; Josef Schwammberger , extradited in 1990 [ see p. 37899 ] ; and , reportedly , a self-styled " Slovakian National Socialist " , Stefan Polakovic , who was still writing for an Argentinian publication in 1992 .
12 Although the recent decisions on the Channel Tunnel and the PBKAL ( Paris-Brussels-Cologne-Amsterdam-London ) line are signs that Britain may be coming in from the cold , the country is still seen as an isolated outpost of a European transport network in which the main traffic flows will run north to south linking the industrial areas of France , Germany and Italy .
13 The state is still seen as an instrument which can and must be captured by the working class .
14 Two opportunist tries by Saint-Andre , his third in the current championship , and Sella , his first this year , sealed the fate of the hapless Irish still searching for an elusive win after 11 consecutive games .
15 But Bradley still drawls with an irritating arrogance .
16 I help him ; we lift the rusting grating up at one end but the far side is still secured by an iron pin and we ca n't shift it any further .
17 He was still looking through an old but faithfully-kept scrapbook .
18 Still looking for an appropriate ( and I use the word advisedly ) full-time job , and currently doing some freelance — and virtually voluntary ! — work for a charity , The Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland .
19 Many American think-tanks , such as the Washington-based Institute for International Economics , still cling to an aura of academic detachment .
20 In the next age range , 70–74 , the most common arrangement is still living with an elderly spouses but one in three elderly people are living by themselves , often because their spouse has died .
21 At that time she was still living in an Alpine town surrounded by mountain-tops silhouetted in the distance .
22 The main criticism levelled here was that users found it difficult to come off while still living in an environment ‘ full of junkies ’ .
23 The doctors may broadcast their scripts to a drug-hungry nation like showers of autumn leaves , but they still act as an intolerable bottle-neck between manufacturers and their clients , the latter , poor sods , often not even knowing what wondrous remedies are to hand for the asking .
24 ‘ No one … ’ began Sally-Anne passionately , thinking of all that she had seen since arriving in Vetch Street — the poor creatures in Dr Neil 's surgery , and the even poorer ones who could not afford to go there — and of Dr Neil 's own selflessness letting people off their bills , so that only the small income he still received from an aunt 's legacy allowed him to keep going at all , when he could have been revelling with Stair .
25 And yet , for all his reservations , Nietzsche continued to devote time and energy to orthodox classical scholarship ; and he was still prepared for an academic career , albeit with the special aims appropriate to one so sceptical of the established order .
26 Something in me still revolts at an outright demand : it draws me into explanations of the connection between money and work .
27 Even so , PT Timah took many years to develop its own technical expertise and still depends to an important degree on technical assistance from multinationals , including Billiton .
28 Normal response to the test , however , still depends on an intact nerve supply .
29 We will suggest that these functions are still performed to an impressive and significant degree .
30 In all of this Ho Chi Minh is to be seen bobbing about like a cork on the tides of international communism , sometimes lost from sight for long periods , surviving life in Stalin 's Russia and the manifest uncertainties of the purges and , when war broke out , still remaining as an experienced if not entirely successful figure in the communist world and a distant although still immanent leader of Vietnamese communism .
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