Example sentences of "still [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although the seventeenth century saw the beginning of the end of magic in western society , some credence was still given to the supposed therapeutic properties of certain precious substances .
2 Church Farm has been tenanted ever since , and from Clives , through marriages to the Earls of Powis , it came and still belongs to the Earls of Plymouth .
3 Since then the building has been used as a village hall for the local community but still belongs to the Herons Trust .
4 Much of the village housing , including the farms , still belongs to the Legard family , although The Elms , a large 19th century house formerly occupied by the bailiff of the St Quintin estate , is now the offices of a turkey farm .
5 Perhaps the dominant account still belongs to the Whig interpretation of history .
6 The museum is housed in the Old Court House , which still belongs to the Bloxham Feoffees , trustees of the ancient Bloxham charities .
7 But this man says his documents prove the trough was given to the town in 1907 and still belongs to the parish council .
8 But do remember that the house still belongs to the parents and even if you do love black walls painted with silver moons and stars , bright red carpet and eerie holograms , but remember they have to live there after you are long gone .
9 Even so there is still some dragging of feet which makes things like the implementation of standards which could be used across , not only C&P , but ICI as a whole , something that still belongs to the future .
10 I think it still belongs to the Duke of Devonshire because he was interviewed at the end was n't he ?
11 WADDINGTON GALLERIES David Inshaw , the Staffordshire artist , still turns to the landscape as his main source of inspiration .
12 The plaster casts demonstrate this with unpleasant clarity ; in many of them the hands are still pressed to the mouth , preserving the last hopeless efforts to breathe .
13 Rourke 's thumb was still pressed to the bell as she opened the door , and they stared at each other , he , frowning , she with an expression of wary mistrust .
14 As of last week , all SCO engineers still assigned to the MIPS project — a paltry few by SCO 's own count — were redeployed to Intel development , now at least 150 strong , though SCO says it will attend the periodic meetings of ACE 's recently established executive board .
15 Still quiring to the young-ey 'd cherubins ;
16 Even under normal circumstances , however , people throughout the world are still exposed to a variety of environmental hazards which jeopardise their safety , health , happiness and , indeed , survival .
17 Hector 's dolphins are however still exposed to the hazard of set-net and , to a far lesser extent , trawl nets throughout the rest of their range in New Zealand .
18 Furthermore , there is opportunity for multicellular plants to grow , firmly anchored to the rocks , but still exposed to the light ; and many animals — sessile mussels and barnacles ; anemones , which are almost sessile ; and animals that are only modest movers , such as starfish , winkles , and limpets — find a handy substrate and convenient grazing .
19 In contrast , many DOS applications are still limited to the 640K of conventional memory — limiting both their power and speed .
20 Even if they followed an older , slightly more direct road , it still amounted to a total of about thirty-three miles .
21 But the white paper , published in July after five months of lobbying , still amounted to the most radical shake-up of the legal profession this century .
22 Forcing the subject to use an acoustic strategy , by making the task one in which he had to indicate whether the terminal phoneme of one letter 's name was the same as that of another ( e.g. B and G have the same terminal sound , B and M do not ) , still led to a RVF advantage .
23 Magnificently preserved in its original calcite in a matrix of chalk , this specimen is unusual because it has the spines still joined to the rest of the animal .
24 I know we have all heard of cases where someone has smoked sixty cigarettes a day and still lived to a ripe old age — but is it really worth taking the chance ?
25 That is , the rabbit still blinks to the air puff but not to the tone .
26 This last can be prevented by modern orthopaedic treatment , but , unfortunately , many patients are still referred to a suitable orthopaedic clinic too late .
27 Businessmen still referred to the O-level , he said , and it would be difficult to make them understand the new way and ensure all attainment levels , from the beginning of the National Curriculum at the age of seven to the end at 16 , were fair and consistent .
28 The Gaullist conception of state broadcasting would prove an unconscionably long time in dying-in May 1986 Communications Minister Léotard still referred to the need to reduce state control — ‘ la desétatisation de l'audiovisuel ’ .
29 In s.2(1) ( b ) the phrase " let another do so " still refers to the accused 's own existing liability and it was another way of committing the offence .
30 Many Poles in East Prussia still clung to a Polish identity , but very few of them wanted to become part of a Polish state .
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