Example sentences of "must [vb infin] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The management of business at meetings must facilitate the contribution of all members .
2 There must not be any ambiguous steps in the sequence , since the understanding of each step must facilitate the learning of the next step .
3 Set-aside schemes must be voluntary and must facilitate the entry of young people into the industry .
4 But first of all you must eliminate the sense of panic which usually accompanies the realisation that you have lost something which is important to you .
5 Glaciers ( Fig. 2a ) : Spacing must eliminate the risk of more than one member falling into the same crevasse , or one member pulling the others in .
6 So when they laugh , as in fact they do often , they must muffle the sound beneath sobriety , and hope no one notices .
7 Should you find that your roof is home to bats or other species , protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 , you must consult the Nature Conservancy Council for advice on the best way to deal with them , for the minimum disruption to both the animals and the household .
8 To find how a country stands in respect of international trade , i.e. its balance of payments , we must compare the country 's total exports ( visible and invisible ) with its total imports ( visible and invisible ) .
9 But he himself must oversee the Prince of Wales 's table .
10 An assertion is not defamatory simply because it is untrue — it must lower the victim in the eyes of right-thinking citizens .
11 But when you called I was teaching , and the rule when I am teaching is that one of my sons must answer the phone .
12 It 's self evident Mr Deputy Speaker that this government is utterly unconcerned to carry out an obligation to which is bound by a treaty , freely entered into and the minister must answer the question of how he squares this inactivity with regulation nine three which obliges registration officers to take reasonable steps to obtain information about who should be eligible to appear on the electoral role .
13 The struggle does not end , for each age must reaffirm the continuity of the nation in the face of powerful discontinuities and the appearance of striking similarities between members of different nations .
14 The arbitrator must conduct the hearing according to the circumstances of each case and will in the future be required to adopt an interventionist role .
15 With the Congress leadership in jail , the Round Table conference which met in London in November , at Irwin 's initiative , to discuss constitutional advance , came to nothing , and Irwin realized that he must forego the pleasure of seeing the troublemakers in jail for the hope of constitutional development along the lines he had in mind for India .
16 I must stress the fact that this building is not , as the IRA has callously and cynically claimed , an operational military base .
17 ‘ I must stress the fact we have visited the homes and brought in 135 juveniles in connection with this inquiry since last Friday . ’
18 Mr Kinnock must stress the extent to which Labour has really changed .
19 But while recommending such long-term plans , I must stress the need for flexibility .
20 The teacher must stress the need to bring equipment and text materials to every lesson .
21 Once more one must stress the variability between individual and individual , and within social or religious sub-groups .
22 We must stress the importance of reading the labels carefully before purchasing sweet food .
23 Note Circumstances must influence the course of action to be followed .
24 They agreed that the technical equipment used in operations must influence the type of work organisation for employees : in the case of coal mining , the new cutting equipment and conveyor belts made working in small groups no longer practicable .
25 These must influence the outcome of the experiment .
26 The middle-class children 's toy is never intended for mere amusement or pleasure ; its prime interest is its educational value , the child must absorb the toy as a challenge , something from which it will learn in order to improve itself .
27 If , as it believes , desktop services become a predominant method of providing information technology infrastructure for the second half of the decade , then vendors must regard the sector as a long-term strategic venture .
28 ‘ But all our readers , whether they dispose of votes or not , have a stake in the country , and must regard the composition of the new government as a matter of high import for the future of this Realm .
29 Harman LJ agreed that no specification existed but in applying the object and intent test he said : … one must regard the contract as a whole , and this is a contract where a sales representative in South Lincolnshire serving a firm which , as appears from the very clause in question … is a corn and agricultural merchant and animal feeding stuffs manufacturer .
30 We must give up regarding " good English " as merely a social or literary accomplishment , and … endeavour by research and by exposition to equip the masses with the ability to exercise a reasoned choice in the employment of language ; in other words … we must regard the training of the linguistic consciousness as an essential part of primary and secondary as well as University education .
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