Example sentences of "must [vb infin] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All collections alter over time ; in order to remain effective , the classification device must evolve in keeping with the development of the collection .
2 But it 's something you must think about right from the start when you 're choosing your venue .
3 Most organisations exist in a changing environment and must adapt in order to survive .
4 It is he who must answer before Parliament for anything that his officials have done under his authority , and , if for an important matter he selected an official of such junior standing that he could not be expected competently to perform the work , the minister would have to answer for that in Parliament .
5 It must want for sunlight .
6 The frequent charge that pornography encourages experiments in deviant activity is barely justifiable : deviant tendency must exist in order for the individual to find such depiction attractive .
7 If you are the package manager , you should update the package to select an approved issue of the module ( which must exist in LIFESPAN at approval time for successful approval ) .
8 Note that you may only use SELECTED-ISSUE to select approved modules ( which must exist in LIFESPAN at approval time for successful approval ) .
9 It insists , in other words , that they must treat as law what conventions stipulates is law .
10 It is experienced by the narrator as a place where he , the cultivated , Portuguese-speaking , well-read foreigner , must tread with care ; an old man , who is paid to sing typical local songs for the tourists , recognizes the narrator as something different from them but also as different from himself :
11 It must remain at ease all the time or the task will become more difficult .
12 He must remain on guard .
13 So if savers are determined to ignore their consciences and chase the best possible returns , mortgage rates must remain under pressure .
14 A curve of constant breadth must remain in contact with two parallel lines as it is rotated .
15 Although it 's only two years since they began acquiring the magazines , there are now so many that the bulk must remain in storage .
16 Whether it is quite trustworthy must remain in doubt .
17 The bone has failed to knit properly and his hand must remain in plaster .
18 Because if the court does n't say that , Yeah , this child must remain in care , erm you know .
19 She must remain in control of herself and her actions .
20 Many studies of development consider what factors an individual must experience in order to acquire a particular behaviour pattern .
21 This practice must make for speed and efficiency — and therefore economy — from the point of view of the consumer ( who ultimately pays the bill ) .
22 Reid illustrates the subtlety of the inferences children must make in order to gain an accurate reading of the texts .
23 Therefore Celia must stay at home .
24 Thus , for example , the disabled wife ( or cohabitee ) can only draw the Non-contributory Invalidity Pension if she is unable to perform normal ( as defined by the DHSS ) household duties , regardless of whether housework is her normal profession , regardless of the fact that men and single women only have to prove inability to do paid work to qualify for the pension ; and conversely , the Invalid Care Allowance , for people who lose their incomes because they must stay at home and care for a sick relative , is not payable to wives ( or cohabitees ) because it is assumed that they would be at home in any case !
25 My brother is not well and I feel I must stay at home .
26 ‘ You must stay to supper ! ’
27 He came round at once , and said that it was nothing to worry about ; Susan was worn out , that was all , and must stay in bed for a few days .
28 ‘ Your mother is ill and must stay in bed .
29 You must stay in bed by all means . ’
30 Large demands have to be floated gently and you must stay in touch with the other party 's reactions by looking for signals that they are being pushed too far or too fast .
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