Example sentences of "through which he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Then it was gone , tail vanishing under the bushes through which he had crawled .
2 The plaintiff claimed damages for negligence on the part of BRB due to the disrepair of the fence through which he had passed .
3 Instead there were no beggars on the city streets of either Pesth or Kinsai , and no one in any of the towns and villages through which he had passed seemed to be poorly clothed or underfed .
4 Dauntless cursed the ballot through which he had been burdened with this particular region to patrol .
5 He nodded in the direction of the medieval arch through which he had just driven .
6 In the little hall at the bottom of the stairs one door opened into a side passage leading to the street ; the other , to the back of the shop through which he had to pass to reach the studio .
7 It also made a pattern of sense out of the minor ordeals through which he had passed , and put him on his mettle for the future .
8 Looking through Acts at Paul 's call to evangelise , which culminated in many churches being planted , we can see five stages through which he went .
9 The jagged hole through which he 'd been propelled some minutes before now rushed past his face once every minute or so .
10 By his own account , after much expenditure of charcoal and years of failure , he discovered a powder through which he made a successful projection of sufficient gold to pay off his creditors .
11 He established a dummy Swiss company , Lake Resources Inc , through which he laundered vast sums of cash from shady middlemen and arms dealers , right-wing American bigots , and the enormous profits out of the arms ' shipments to the Iranians , who had paid twice the going rate for what they bought .
12 During 1907 Le Queux travelled throughout West Africa , the Balkans , and Turkey , and acquired an intimate knowledge of the activities of the secret services in the countries through which he passed in Europe .
13 He chilled the air through which he moved .
14 The stories he told himself were , in fact , almost wordless ; simply a procession of scenes and incidents through which he moved , not as an active participant but rather as a curious watcher in an alien element .
15 He is refreshingly unromantic about the Pacific islands through which he wandered .
16 The evening was warm and calm , but the side-streets through which he wandered at random were almost deserted .
17 It jerked against the safety-chain , leaving a narrow gap through which he scrambled to safety .
18 He lifted his head , his face grey with outrage , and firmly closed the book before he looked round at all the carefully respectful countenances ringing him round like the pales of a fence , a barrier through which he found the only dignified way , at someone else 's expense .
19 More generally , creation has always been understood as an act of God 's grace , something He could perfectly well have chosen not to do , rather than some kind of necessary mechanism through which He ensured His own existence .
20 Then he noticed a gap in the wire through which he squeezed his vast height , leaving the crutches behind .
21 By the time she reached the shorter flight of stairs on the half-landing , Frankie had retreated all the way to his room and closed the door behind him , leaving only the smallest gap through which he peered with one eye .
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