Example sentences of "must [adv] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 However , the absence of an object or content of a representative kind must obviously not be confused with the absence of an object or content .
2 4.3.3 ( in any other case ) be borne by the parties equally ] If clause 4.1 is included , there must obviously also be a machinery to cover the possibility of a dispute .
3 And then the idea ( how did it come to me ? ) that it must not simply be glass but big glass .
4 Where a partner is permitted to work less than full time , this should be set out clearly ; ( b ) the extent to which a partner must not just be available to do work for the firm but is put under some positive obligation to promote the interests of the practice .
5 Such guarantees must not merely be provided for in constitutions but must be seen to be honoured ;
6 The most frequently quoted definition of non-natural user is that given by the Judicial Committee in Rickards v. Lothian , ‘ It must be some special use bringing with it increased danger to others and must not merely be the ordinary use of the land or such a use as is proper for the general benefit of the community . ’
7 Secondly , the past and current benefit to the employer must not merely be substantial or even valuable ; it has to be outstanding if compensation is to be awarded .
8 How to do that on the issue of AIDS , and with the efforts and talents of lesbians and gay men , is the question which must not now be avoided .
9 When choreographers wish to be patriotic by displaying the national origins of a company , school or ballet , they must not only be thoroughly conversant with that country 's uniquely traditional folk arts but also be very sensitive to the way that native performers play in the popular theatre .
10 These stipulated that any person operating in British waters must not only be resident in Britain but should also be a British citizen and that the ship should be British-owned .
11 Such previously unimaginable impertinences must not only be done by the book : they must be seen to be too .
12 The allies , though , insist that the Kurds must not only be safe but be made to feel safe , which means no armed police ; British commandos were sent to see them off .
13 As indicated at the beginning of this article sales must not only be paid for by the buyer but the funds must be received quickly by the exporter and the banks are very much involved at this stage through : —
14 Threshed grain and other concentrate feeds must not only be kept dry , but also be protected from birds , mice , and rats .
15 As a guiding principle , it seemed to me that future business information systems must not only be able to cope with all the many individual sources of business information , but also , such systems should be able to rank those sources in importance using various appropriate criteria .
16 The food must not only be disguised , but also given in sufficient quantity , a task that has taxed the ingenuity of many a researcher ( see p91 and p92 ) .
17 Second , for maximum effect the measures must not only be ‘ in harmony with the surroundings ’ but also ‘ In agreement with the feelings of the inhabitants ’ .
18 A Scottish Office spokesman said : ‘ Justice must not only be seen to be done — but heard to be done . ’
19 The child 's psychic structure must not only be that of his or her white parents and of white society .
20 The internalist would claim that for the causal clause to turn justified true belief into knowledge , it must not only be true but be believed by a to be true .
21 Lexicological units must not only be delimited paradigmatically , that is , within a constant syntactic frame : we want also to be able to say of two occurrences of a lexical form in different syntactic environments whether they are occurrences of the same lexical unit , or two different units .
22 Thus , whereas a horseman 's work formerly revolved almost entirely around his horses , his modern counterpart must not only be a tractor driver but a ‘ general farm worker ’ — a mechanic , a labourer and perhaps even a part-time stockman , too .
23 The music , to be satisfactory , may need contrasting sections , differing textures , and periods of thematic recall ; and such factors must not only be compatible with the text , but should also form a whole which is a perfect expression of the words .
24 ‘ Sites must not only be free , or readily freed , from planning , physical and ownership constraints , but also capable of being developed economically , in areas where potential house buyers want to live and suitable for the wide range of housing types which the housing market requires . ’
25 The pedagogical grammar must not only be designed for a specific audience ; it must also teach materials that are culturally appropriate .
26 This necessarily implies , in my opinion , that a sale to be within the section must not only be retail , but one in which there is no other consideration for the transfer of property in the record but the money price …
27 If time also gives advantages to the initial winners of a contract , arrangements for the final settlement of terms must not only be flexible , but also able to deal with opportunistic behaviour at the final settlement date .
28 As maltsters we must not only be aware of our sales but of the customers themselves — here in Scotland we are waiting for the upturn .
29 ( 65 ) Justice must not only be done — ( … ) — but must manifestly be seen to be done .
30 Clearly , if the court orders the conveyance , or if the conveyance is by agreement to satisfy the claim of the wife , it will be inappropriate for the husband to convey " as settlor " since the conveyance is not a voluntary disposition or settlement ; for this to be an effective covenant the conveying party must not only be expressed to convey as " settlor " , he must actually be a settlor ( see Fay v Miller Wilkins & Co [ 1941 ] Ch 360 , although Emmet on Title ( 19th edn , Longman , para 14.003 ) expresses doubts concerning this decision ) .
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