Example sentences of "must [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A person 's social development is thus crucially linked to the physical fact of ageing : no one can be fixed in a low position , but must eventually succeed to the highest status , simply by staying alive .
2 In some circumstances , it may be preferable simply to keep the idea secret and rely on the law of confidence ; this costs nothing and there is no requirement that the invention must eventually fall into the public domain .
3 The theory of the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ predicts that the old and weak must eventually succumb to the young and strong , and that this is necessary for the future vitality of the species .
4 If they did , they must eventually run into one another .
5 Kicked out of Footsie , Tarmac is trailing the class acts in building materials badly and must secretly wish for a German recession to unseat Redland and RMC from their pedestals .
6 By the textuality of history , I mean to suggest , firstly , that we can have no access to a full and authentic past , a lived material existence , unmediated by the surviving textual traces of the society in question — traces whose survival we can not assume to be merely contingent but must rather presume to be at least partially consequent upon complex and subtle social processes of preservation and effacement ; and secondly , that those textual traces are themselves subject to subsequent textual mediations when they are construed as the ‘ documents ’ upon which historians ground their own texts , called histories .
7 We have come here to see the king and we must all go into the temple .
8 You point at the window , but you must all turn round that way , turn round to your right so you 're going round , then clockwise they probably would n't understand , but
9 I 'm not saying that what I 'm saying is that that we must all have at the back of our minds a a sort of considered opinion of what 's
10 The camera work is superb and I must especially commend to you all the final shots of the film which show a train heading up the Talerddig incline taken from a nearby hillside .
11 Scientific papers must obviously stand on their own merits .
12 You must obviously decide in your own parish what can best be done , whether for your own or from a neighbouring parish .
13 The painting is estimated at a mere FFr50–80 million , not because of the recession so much as the fact it must obviously stay in France .
14 The eigenvectors must obviously correspond to special states .
15 Finally , in considering Reagan 's personal contribution to the triumphs of his first term , we must obviously take into account the consequences of his appearances on television .
16 The Astropath must suddenly appear to be possessed — with lethal consequences .
17 Within the Christian context women must necessarily refer to , and exercise a dependence upon , the world of men , of a kind which men would not conceive of having in relation to the world of women .
18 In effect , Ayer has put them in a ghetto and they are happy to remain there , content to be making statements of nonsense in the assurance that what to the believer are the words of God must necessarily appear to the unbeliever mere gobbledygook .
19 It has been supposed that a vocal response must necessarily emanate from the left hemisphere and that a stimulus presented in the left half field of vision must therefore be transferred from the right to the left hemisphere .
20 A Christian position must necessarily hold of this human being Jesus that he existed ( or exists ) in relation to God as has no other .
21 The concept of differentiated costs as one which must necessarily emerge from services driven by the assessment of individual need .
22 There was no year on the letters , but they must necessarily come after the publication of Ash 's dramatic poems , Gods , Men and Heroes , which had appeared in 1856 and had not , contrary to Ash 's hopes and perhaps expectations , found favour with the reviewers , who had declared his verses obscure , his tastes perverse and his people extravagant and improbable .
23 Whereas Aristotle did not enquire into the mental process by which we perceive time , because he believed that our minds must necessarily conform to the time of the physical universe , St Augustine took the mind 's activity as the basis of temporal measurement .
24 To achieve profound change , women must necessarily work within the existing structure .
25 Although the case of a limitation upon , or condition precedent to a right to serve a notice to quit , does not appear to have been the subject of judicial decision , his principle that , if a covenant affects a landlord qua landlord , it must necessarily run with the reversion , appears to me a sound criterion …
26 Equally , we must only say in general terms what is required of him .
27 Whereas Moscow tried to pose as the champion of German unity therefore , the West posed as the defender of German liberty , arguing that reunification must only come after free nation-wide elections , and that Germany should be able to choose its own Allies .
28 Also new is the requirement that a private company which has elected under the substituted section 252 to dispense with the laying of accounts before a general meeting or , under section 366A , to dispense with the holding of annual general meetings , must so state in the return .
29 The Jacob of the larger Genesis narrative , his mind full of the dangers of his coming encounter with Esau , and thinking that Esau is already on his way to attack him , must naturally assume at first that his attacker is his brother .
30 However much the excise supervisor may have been appreciated by the councillors of St. Andrews , he was regarded with less enthusiasm at the Treasury , and the member of parliament was told bluntly that if any office about St. Andrews fell vacant , which was usually left to the recommendation of the Burgh Member , he should have the nomination , and as Scott advised the provost , ‘ they hoped that from reasons which must naturally occur to myself , I would be satisfied with the propriety of their answer ’ .
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