Example sentences of "must [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Is it a convention of the Constitution that the government of the day must consult with interested bodies before formulating a legislative measure for presentation to Parliament ?
2 We must compare with other societies .
3 While accepting that officers must adapt to political reality — by , for example , being prepared when invited to attend party groups subject to certain safeguards — it rejected any move towards a ‘ spoils system ’ in local government , and recommended that principal officers should be prohibited from engaging in political activity , including standing for council office .
4 They must adapt to various nutritional conditions , particularly to the value , nature , and molecular form of the nitrogen in the diet to survive .
5 It was with the aim of contributing to such an improvement , as the representative body of employers and business investors , that the 1988 Confederation of British Industry ( CBI ) Task Force on business and urban regeneration came to three conclusions : first ( in line with the Government 's own beliefs ) , that business must take the lead in reversing urban decline ; second , that charity — governmental or voluntary — can not in itself deal with problems , and any regeneration must spring from private investment , commercially motivated ; and third , that the potential exists for such investment , provided that early projects are seen to succeed ( CBI , 1988 ) .
6 No restrictions must exist on non-resident transfers and banks require freedom to maintain and transfer nostro demand deposits .
7 Adequate demand must exist for external currency loans from corporations and governments .
8 The cartographic data must exist in digital format before they can be used within a GIS ; although the amount of digital map data is growing larger a considerable amount of manual digitizing is needed in practice to provide the database necessary for a successful GIS .
9 A pending court case will determine whether ‘ financial responsibilities must remain of primary importance ’ as the Commissioners argue , or whether , as the Bishop of Oxford believes , assets should be invested in a way that more actively promotes Christian values .
10 So the decision a judge must make in hard cases is discretionary in this strong sense : it is left open by the correct understanding of past decisions .
11 Whereas Senad , who lost an eye , and needed a jaw operation must stay in Britian for at least another few months .
12 However , it appears that this change must relate to certain dialects of Southern British English at that date , and not necessarily to other dialects .
13 BRITAIN 'S dairy industry must prepare for likely cutbacks of 20pc or more as the European Community moves to eliminate distorting production subsidies .
14 Secondly , that even if the statute does not expressly so provide , a kindred limitation of her powers must arise by necessary implication .
15 In addition , one citizen can not benefit from the successful formal objection of another citizen ; he must object in due time himself .
16 [ But ] we must recognise as competing rights only the rights of other members of society as individuals .
17 This surely must count as significant participation in public discourse .
18 Individualism , on this interpretation , is not adequately identified as the view that explanations must appeal to individual properties — the drives cited by behaviourists , for example , or the features of the unconscious invoked by psychoanalytic theories .
19 So I if I put that in , I must apologize for misleading the panel .
20 However insignificant in myself I am the Representative on this question of no mean body in this country who would be … disappointed and chagrined at the suspension of the question — But further — and this is a consideration far more really influential on my Conduct — I can not but feel myself the Representative of a Body who can not speak for themselves and for whom I must act without other guide than my own Conscience .
21 On the other hand , such an authority must act in good faith , use the powers for the purpose for which they were given , take into account relevant matters and disregard the irrelevant , and must not act in a way so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could have so acted .
22 The State must act in relieving distress , for private charity and a change of heart among the rich are not enough .
23 But you must wait for good weather to appreciate the mighty Picos de Europa range of mountains , just follow the river Deva through the dramatic La Hermida Defile ravine to the pretty Alpinesque town of Potes and on the Fuente Dé , where a cable car ascends the last 800 metres up to the sheer rock face .
24 the logic of the argument must be preserved — ie. the issues under discussion must be classified , the discussion must concentrate on available information , and the values of the individuals must be expressed openly and taken into account .
25 They must survive on meagre pensions , but are discriminated against if they want to stay in work .
26 This pivot must result in primal feasibility since , if i = 0 denotes the z-row , we have , as the goal is not yet achieved and for i > 1 , where k is the pivot column , because of the unboundedness .
27 My Lords , that concludes my analysis of what I perceive to be the important British cases but before seeking to draw conclusions therefrom I must refer to certain Commonwealth and American cases .
28 There are social phenomena that are specific to confined areas : that is why any survey of Soviet politics and society must refer to discrete geographical localities .
29 She circled ‘ unnecessary ’ in one effort , wrote in the margin of another ‘ participal phrase must refer to grammatical subject ’ .
30 There are other arguments that have been made along the same general lines , to the effect that to capture regular processes ( e.g. syntactic regularities ) one must refer to pragmatic concepts ( see e.g. Ross , 1975 ) , arguments that will arise from time to time in the Chapters below .
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