Example sentences of "through [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Jesus is the prophet ( Luke 7 : 16 A t 3:22 , 7:37 ) the long-awaited prophet of the end-time , Through whom the prophetic Spirit so active in the Old Testament , gave full and final revelation .
2 Jesus is the prism through whom the diffused and fitful light of the Spirit is concentrated .
3 Anyone in late eighteenth-century London who was anxious to ‘ insure the removal of barrenness ’ or ‘ improve , exalt , and invigorate the body and through them the mental faculties of the human species ’ , need not have looked further than the Temple of Health where Dr James Graham had constructed what he modestly termed his ‘ medico-magnetico-musico-electrical bed ’ .
4 Their retail branches are a fixed cost , so the more business they put through them the better .
5 Housman pays strict attention to these prosodic and structural emphases , conveying through them the Horatian sense of addressing the imagined bystander .
6 It does not occur in western Europe A large stout worm up to 4.5 cm long , with a prominent buccal capsule and transparent cuticle through which the internal organs may be seen ( P1.III ) .
7 These were the mere surface indicators of deeper problems , the media through which the deep , internal cultural and economic pressures at work within German society showed themselves .
8 Success with self-consciously modest projects ( for example , a non-sectarian daily paper through which the existing left can talk to itself , before attempting a popular tabloid ) is the only way to build the confidence needed for any greater shift in the fundamental poles of national political culture .
9 There appeared to be a chain of dependency from private companies to the state with the Commercial Banks acting as ‘ merely a channel through which the Central bank fed industry with funds ’ ( Allen 1981 p. 50 ) .
10 Make sure that there are no small cracks or openings through which the emerging adult insect can escape .
11 Posidonius took the Roman victory for granted and analysed the series of crises through which the Roman state had passed in his own time .
12 SET IN the dipping wooded hills of Lambton Park , through which the wide and tidal Wear cuts a deep valley , this grandest of early Georgian houses looks south down a long wide avenue , smothered solid with daffodils in the spring .
13 A remarkable illustration of the explanatory convenience of egoism is the concept of the ‘ selfish gene ’ , through which the rational egoism which is so difficult to find in the hopelessly illogical world of men is finally tracked down in our ultimate genetic constituents .
14 Where Keynes and Pigou parted company was in the mechanism through which the requisite decrease in real wages would occur .
15 However , since it is more than a mere sign , it partakes of the reality it signifies and is a means of grace through which the atoning work of Christ is made effective in the life of the Christian .
16 They helped to propagate a language through which the working class could articulate their frustrations ; they provided radical literature , leaflets and newspapers ; they furnished agitators with greater financial means and mobility than those drawn from the working class ; and they took a lead in establishing underground organizations able to build links between workers in different factories and cities and to survive recurrent police assaults .
17 Strictly speaking , the king was nothing more than a servant , a vessel , a vehicle , through which the divine will manifested itself .
18 The ice to be melted must be of the transparent blue variety , which is free from fine cracks through which the hot water can drain .
19 This is the last testament , will , or contract through which the elderly transmitted their material possessions and land to their heirs .
20 I believe that she may be the focal point through which the Ancient Adversary will try to thwart the designs of the Dark Ones . ’
21 The mechanism through which the real wage rate adjusts to variations in aggregate demand in Keynes 's labour market analysis is ignored altogether .
22 Unlike the pluralist approach which when dealing with macro-political issues directs its attention towards attitudes , ethics , belief systems and individualistic cultural components , this Gramscian Marxist perspective investigates the linkages between economic structures ( such as landholding ) , national development ( such as the effect on artisan or fledgling industry of suddenly imposed competition with more advanced areas ) and the instruments of intellectual control through which the economic domination is legitimated .
23 ‘ The five codes create a kind of network , a topos through which the entire text passes ( or rather , in passing becomes text ) ’ ( p. 20 ) .
24 However , while dispute in the Reich centred on the political control of Ernst Röhm 's brownshirt empire within an empire , in Danzig the affair had more to do with petty jealousies and spite , through which the hazy outline of some dispute about the future and direction of the Party was just discernible .
25 In female worms the intestine terminates in an anus while in males there is a cloaca which functions as an anus , and into which opens the vas deferens and through which the copulatory spicules may be extruded .
26 Chrace is the main route through which the Dark Elves seek access to the Inner Lands .
27 His face throbbed and his eyeball was seared by the white glare through which the dark figures of the men were moving about their work .
28 The old channels through which the relevant resources flowed have dried up or been dug up .
29 More often than not , they 're no more than a glass through which the all-important text is transmitted .
30 The Commission itself has been examining the feasibility of creating an official forum within the Community 's institutions through which the European regional economies can express opinions and make recommendations .
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