Example sentences of "after all a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It offended the religious , because it seemed to make God out to be untruthful or deceitful ; in the scientific age , science was after all a route to truth , and only the Devil was the father of lies .
2 The 40MHz species , let alone the 36MHz , was after all a compromise chip when Sun and TI earlier discovered the 50MHz would be harder to make than they thought .
3 Lots of writers have produced extraordinary work in conditions more immediately oppressive than mine — mine is after all a kind of open prison — and their example inspires me .
4 The theology of the group was sufficiently united by the fact that , amid a secular intelligentsia , it was after all a theology .
5 After all a man 's got a right to a place of his own . ’
6 It is after all a film about a mother and daughter relationship .
7 ( One might have expected heterosexual young men to be more influenced by what was after all a film of exclusively heterosexual practices . )
8 Cos after all a coin was a , had a monetary value that meant you could go and buy something with it .
9 After all a molecule is indifferent to the discipline practised by its observer , and it will indulge in physical , chemical or biological processes ( or any combination thereof ) according to the circumstances ; a la cane options are strictly forbidden .
10 And hell , I thought ; I had been tired ; I was tired still , and I would phone that evening — definitely — and say I 'd fallen asleep , and nobody would be too bothered , and after all a chap could only cope with so much sorrow-saying in one day … of course I 'd phone .
11 After all a walker is probably unlikely to take an axe to some prime woodland , build a fire , get a guitar out and sing Kumbaya my Lord all night .
12 It is after all a suburb of Abingdon
13 This was after all a period of full employment and marked growth in people 's real earnings .
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