Example sentences of "after [det] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Merry , in the Houses of Healing , asks immediately after his recall from death by the sacral king for ‘ supper first , and after that a pipe ’ .
2 Another of Mrs Gothberg 's horses was cut the following day , and the day after that a foal was found bleeding on a neighbouring farm .
3 Shortly after that a headmaster 's house was built , and that was where I lived with my family .
4 After that a bird — the same one or another — fell through the chimney into the grate and then fluttered and banged in terror around the room .
5 Unfortunately , soon after that a copper spotted him doing his Peeping Tom bit , followed him inside the studios and looked very strangely at all this expensive gear lying around .
6 After that a visit to Jack proved most enlightening . ’
7 He then spent three days at Fort King being questioned by people from the DIA , the FBI , the CIA and the DEA , and after that a bunch of US Marshals took him away into the Federal Witness Protection program .
8 After that no studio would touch him , although he made a good living as an actor and was even reunited with Gloria Swanson to recount more glorious days in Sunset Boulevard .
9 After that the conversation had gathered a startling momentum of statements , random guesses , admissions and had ended with her using her foster brother as a confidant — though now she regretted it .
10 Very shortly after that the barrister said ( also in the presence of the jury ) , ‘ I am sorry that it is not possible to comply with the jury 's request , but I accept your Honour 's ruling and the thinking that lies behind it . ’
11 Her petticoat fell next ; then the cami-knickers ; after that the suspender belt with its four suspenders clicking in their release .
12 Days later , Fernandez suspended the Queens school board that refused his curriculum , and ten days after that the board of education reinstated them all .
13 ‘ Medicine is a profession , dentistry is largely a business ’ , sniffed the British Medical Journal in 1878 , but the professional tag was so sought after that the rush to respectabilize was unstoppable .
14 After that the Bay shut down .
15 After that the question of Julia 's lunch was settled and she went straight back to the Campo San Maurizio to warn Annunziata that neither she nor David would be in for dinner .
16 To train an infant for the first year is comparatively easy , but after that the child begins to resent authority , and the conscientious mother has to be prepared to fight and win all along the line , in matters small and great .
17 If you pay through a travel agent , they 'll hold money on your behalf until a contract is created ( see above ) , after that the money is held by the travel agent on our behalf .
18 After that the tide went slowly out , with it the piece of wood .
19 But after that the tide of fortune will turn in your favour , so that you should end up celebrating some kind of moral or financial victory .
20 All sounds from outside were muffled because of the dock being partly below ground level , set into the slope of the bank , but in a short while I heard the sound of a car door slamming and after that the noise of an engine starting up and being driven away .
21 Eventually a noise abatement notice was served on them , and erm immediately after that the landlord offered them a hundred pounds to leave , and they left .
22 After that the return is often slashed .
23 After that the pacey plot leaves the audience wondering who is engaged to whom , who is to marry whom , who wrote the love poems and why and how it 's all to be unravelled before the final curtain .
24 After that the couple spoke to each other regularly by phone , exchanged letters , and Peterborough-based Chris even sent Heather a dozen red roses .
25 After that the narrative has time only for Jacob .
26 After that the Home Office expected no further increases .
27 They read the cartoons but after that the reading seems to be fairly limited .
28 Craiova was made hideous by a huge petrochemical works , but after that the road was flanked by beautiful scenery .
29 And in less than a year after that the Secretary of State may make it clear that our client group is radically changed and moved
30 After that the plum parts began to roll in .
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