Example sentences of "after [art] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 One hour after the dose the phase of rapid equilibration between the blood and tissues is generally complete and the elimination phase becomes dominant , and thus the observed concentration more accurately reflects the concentration in tissue , where the infection is most likely to be .
2 Fifteen years after the incident the issue was again before the Privy Council in a case inevitably to be known as The Wagon Mound ( No 2 ) [ 19671 1 AC 617 .
3 After the service the congregation went on to the School , where the new rooms were formally declared open by Major T.C. Toler , Chairman of the Cheshire County Council .
4 In the March 1988 general election , voters were obliged to queue publicly behind their preferred candidates in the nomination process , and after the election the government initiated discussion of the abolition of the secret ballot .
5 Immediately after the election the UDF refused the BSP 's offer of a coalition government .
6 After the election the Labour leadership announced a further crackdown on Militant , suspending some 145 party members including Mahmood and two MPs , Terry Fields ( Liverpool Broad Green ) and Dave Nellist ( Leicester East ) .
7 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
8 After the election the Yukon Party began negotiations with a view to forming a minority government in the territory .
9 Soon after the explosion the PLO headquarters in Tunis sent two officials to assist the Greek authorities with their investigations .
10 In a statement delivered shortly after the explosion the Lebanese Interior Minister , Maj.-Gen.
11 It is touching but rather embarrassing that after the film the rest of the people waited for the foreign quests to leave first , and clapped us when we went out .
12 In contracted to sell wine on terms that after the contract the wine would be stored for the purchaser by the vendor .
13 Ltd. v. United Dominions Trust Ltd. ( 1988 C.A. ) the buyer had discovered that the car had a leak but did not discover until after the contract the gravity of the leak or that it was incurable .
14 Two days after the operation the dressing was removed and the wound inspected ; the suture line was intact and there was no excess redness or swelling .
15 But once I got to the hospital and after the operation the doctor reassured me it was a straightforward and took forty-five minutes .
16 It was similar in many respects to the document Tolonen had brought to Li Shai Tung shortly after the event the papers drawn up by Major DeVore .
17 After the event the governing body should invoice the Scottish Sports Council for the cost involved in transporting the samples to the Drug Control and Teaching Centre .
18 Immediately after this big moment the earth is convulsed with horror we have Eve 's first speech , presumably after the fall the first speech in a state of sin , and this is it ‘ Oh sovereign virtuous , precious of all trees in Paradise , of operation blest to sapinense hitherto obscured in famed and thy fair fruit let hang as to not end created , but henceforth my early care not without song each morning and dew/due pray shall tend thee and the fertile burden ease of thy full branches offered free to all .
19 After the collisions the plates were able to adjust each time — fairly quickly it seems — and things went back to normal until something else came crashing in . ’
20 Over a year after the trial the mother of one of the convicted men sent a petition to Edward VII , quoting the remarks of the judge .
21 But shortly after the trial the twin 's parents announced that they were considering pursuing a civil case for damages .
22 After the ford the path zig-zags steeply uphill for around 350yds .
23 After the battering the team had taken in Australia , he realized that the first job was to restore morale , and he did manage to instil some of his own determination into his players .
24 After the battering the Abadan refinery received in 1980 , Iran 's other refineries were attacked in the course of Iraq 's periodic operations against ‘ economic targets ’ , in an effort to create shortages within the country and accentuate the need for fuel rationing .
25 He and Nell were agreeing that after the scene the actors would leave again ( all except Giles-the-murderer ) , even though they did n't like being banished all the time and were complaining about it .
26 After the Reformation the monasteries were largely destroyed or fell into ruin .
27 After the purchase the property became the home of Mr. Steed and his family .
28 I felt that it was pretty rotten after the way the chap helped us , especially as my friend came from a staunch Church family .
29 After the way the Falcone family have treated you , I would say we have no right to stop you if you want to go — and , whatever you decide , I 'll pay you in full .
30 And Allen — well , after the way the Raiders treated him , he will be ready to explode for his new team .
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