Example sentences of "after [adj] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 After that time no further amendments to the policies may be made and the policies , as agreed , must be applied by the vendor 's auditors in the preparation of the completion accounts .
2 This earthly world was depleted of all powers at the end of creation time history ; after that time the community could only be achieved and continuously recreated through individuals carefully taking , with the help of the ruwatu , limited amounts of transformational forces to do so from the gods .
3 If after this time a quorum is still not present , the meeting must be adjourned .
4 After this time the rights of way team have every intention of working more closely with parishes and farmers throughout the county Am I right in saying that people talk to us about this ?
5 After some time the student would return to report .
6 When the oratory is finished the ladies begin dancing on the floor of the arena ; after some time the Ngwazi descends to join the dancing , fly whisk waving merrily , and for at least an hour joins in the celebration .
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