Example sentences of "after [adj] [noun pl] they " in BNC.

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1 It is that which drives on Walter Smith 's staff and after eight games they remain undefeated — and unaffected by whatever mishaps come their way .
2 After some minutes they went up to the room .
3 After some seconds they straightened , looked at each other again , then bent forward once more .
4 After some weeks they said he was recovering , but had been ordered by doctors to rest .
5 Is not it a sad reflection on the Government that after 12 years they have failed to provide the necessary skills training for our work force to make our industries competitive in world markets ?
6 The hall just could n't cope and after six songs they retreated to the dressing room .
7 After 45 minutes they finally emerged from the storm under broken cloud , and then made good time to Rangoon .
8 During or after such courses they may have acquired some additional external diplomas in organ-playing conducting , harmony and counterpoint .
9 Visiting skipper Russell Crawford praised his rival Colin Barker for his sporting declaration but Stockton made a poor response and , at stumps , after 47 overs they were 157 for five , professional Masood Anwaar making 42 .
10 for the first thirteen weeks of unemployment people are allowed to look for jobs that they want to do or are skilled or experienced to do but after thirteen weeks they will be compelled to take any job that comes along .
11 After twenty-eight days they would be taken out , washed and packed in hogsheads , and pressed for about ten days .
12 Doctors at the Johns Hopkins medical school in Baltimore say that after intensive tests they believe for the first time the Aids virus had been eradicated from the patient 's body before he died from a separate lymphoma cancer .
13 I think after three days they 've er worn out their welcome .
14 After three months they would be entitled to the statutory minimum wage in Germany , but this would still be less than the wages taken home by Germans working on the same site .
15 After these experiences they set out to rebuild the prison system , from the perspective of prisoners turned gaolers .
16 Similarly , in medieval Europe , it was ‘ common sense ’ that one could determine the guilt or innocence of an accused person through ‘ trial by ordeal ’ , e.g. accused people carried a red-hot iron bar for ten paces , and if their wounds were healed after x days they would be declared innocent — again , this method is noticeably absent in modern trials !
17 After 18 months they moved again , this time to Sheffield and after two or three years with Harold Jackson & Co she showed her individuality and confidence by striking out on her own and ‘ putting up a plate ’ .
18 After many months they let me free .
19 After nine days they sighted Talisker through the haze .
20 Bought a Vax , they said no they 're a con do n't worry , he said with a little bit of luck you 'll get one that 'll be free , you 'll have to give a report on it once a month , then about after nine months they give it to you if they thought
21 You work forty years of your life you 're made redundant all that time you paid insurance , tax and after twelve months they 've got the gall to take money you paid all your life off your unemployment and throw you on income .
22 After twelve weeks they decided I was okay , okay , you 're allowed to go out and work on your own .
23 Mr Smith added : ‘ There was no enthusiasm for this Government , no admiration for their performance , no sense that after 13 years they had delivered the goods , fulfilled promises or proved themselves worthy of the trust of the nation . ’
24 ‘ If they ca n't get the NHS right after 13 years they never will , ’ he said .
25 This legislation requires that people for the first thirteen weeks that they are unemployed have the right to look for a job which they have experience in and enjoy doing , but after 13 weeks they are required to take any job that comes along .
26 Even after 37 years they give you problems from time to time . ’
27 After five minutes they were well away from the school , chasing along the road , laughing and yelling as they pitched the ball back and forth between them .
28 Even after five years they were finding it a bit difficult in Oxford , you see , a bit sticky .
29 Greenidge and Fredericks immediately laid into the bowlers , bringing up 50 in 8.3 overs , 100 in 18.2 overs , and at lunch after 27 overs they were 147 without loss .
30 Eventually , after several weeks they reach the sea and there they begin swimming in a more determined way , seeking food .
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