Example sentences of "between the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This is mainly because of the continuing difference in opinion between the staff-side reps ( ACTS , NUJ and Staff Council ) and the other members of SSC ( SMT and Board/F&S members ) on the question of a reduction in pay differentials .
2 North Frodingham is predominantly an agricultural village , conveniently located between the principal towns of the area , being situated on the B1249 ten miles from Bridlington , eleven from Hornsea , 13 from Beverley and six miles from Driffield .
3 After a brief existence marked by acrimonious disputes between the principal partners , the private/public sector chemicals industry joint venture , Enimont , was brought wholly into state ownership at the end of November 1990 .
4 Delete the second paragraph and leave one line space between the remaining paragraphs
5 There was also increased tension between the Kenyan authorities and Somali refugees , and on Aug. 16 , 1,550 Somalis were detained near Nairobi by Kenyan police who claimed that they had not obtained proper refugee status .
6 We can find in this tale a sharp focusing of the contrast between the far-off histories of the Old Testament and the mysteries of God 's will and intelligence , and the vulgarities of the human condition and the spectrum of personal relationships with the church from Nicholas and Absolon through Alison to John .
7 I opened it out of curiosity more than anything and there , in between the high-heeled shoes , was Sal 's executive briefcase .
8 The majority of the vast Kazakhstan region was a no man 's land , but it formed a deep buffer zone between the populated areas of the North-Western USSR and the Mongolian deserts which gave way to the Chinese border .
9 Adda was exported to South Africa when her owner emigrated , forming a link between the earliest Rottweilers in the UK and the earliest Rottweilers in South Africa .
10 Recent excavations in the western suburb have also identified a lull in the sequence , between the earliest pits of the Flavian period and the more extensive second-century civilian activity .
11 In Japan , for example , the average time between the earliest parts drawing release to completion of the prototype vehicle was 6 months versus 12 in the US and 11 months in Europe .
12 Nevertheless , the concept of a zone of peace continues to represent a potential significant area of shared interest between the ASEAN states and Vietnam and this ensures that it will remain on the agenda for both parties although the terminology they use and the objectives they pursue may differ .
13 By the mid 1980s Soviet writers were stating bluntly that ‘ the real way towards the adoption of true security measures ’ in Southeast Asia requires ‘ setting into motion equal cooperation between the ASEAN countries and Indo-China , without which the existence of any viable regional system of security is inconceivable ’ .
14 Rather surprisingly , it was published not in the pages of Nature or Science , where hot news is usually aired for rapid communication among scientists , but between the sober covers of the Astrophysical Journal ( vol 248. p 1144 ) , a pillar of respectability among the astronomical establishment .
15 But subjects that experienced a reminder treatment ( unsignalled foot-shocks given in a different apparatus ) between the conditioning trials and the test session showed almost as much conditioned responding as control subjects that had not been pre-exposed to the noise .
16 While uniformity of view between the managing partners can not always be achieved every effort has to be made to avoid discrepancies .
17 A late arrival came out between the automatic doors , stared at the queue , walked back inside to join the uniformed chauffeur who had been waiting and holding a card .
18 De Vries at least believed that there might be a struggle for existence between the mutated forms , but most geneticists refused to accept this compromise .
19 Leaving aside here the more extreme version of the theory of elites as expounded by Pareto or by Ortega y Gasset ( 1930 , p. 49 ) in his distinction between the inert masses and ‘ the select men , the nobles , the only ones who are active and not merely reactive ’ , we can identify two types of political theory which , while accepting some aspects of modern democracy , are concerned to limit its significance .
20 There are a number of differences between the five cases ( Table ) .
21 The development has also been supported by a substantial staff development programme and co-operative work between the five colleges in the region .
22 Farr-Jones feels it would take an organisation with the resources of an IMG to put on the calendar his pet projects — a two-yearly challenge between the Five Nations winner and the champions of the Southern Hemisphere equivalent .
23 Never of the underground , and despising , and despised by it , it was the link between mainstream and fringe publishing , between the small magazines of the poets , the politicos , and the despised conglomerates of Fleet Street .
24 If he had been at the Sex of One … party , he must have driven down some time between the small hours-of the Sunday morning and when he rang Keith Battrick-Jones on the Monday morning .
25 The Peugeot seems to represent a compromise between the small plates of some rival d-i-y strippers and the hire models .
26 The most marked contrast between the small towns and their larger counterparts is the relative paucity of large public buildings , especially those connected with amusement .
27 Unfortunately there is all too little evidence from Britain to enable us to discern the precise nature of the relationship between the small towns and authority , although some tentative suggestions can be made .
28 A trail marked with simple stone arches every half mile or so leads to Las Ruinas on top of each , but it 's easy to lose yourself in the maze of secondary trails which weave between the small fields .
29 Rather than plant new hedgerows , these rural pioneers continued to leave extensive ‘ shaws ’ , banks of trees and shrubs between the small fields .
30 Clovis 's campaigns and ruses against other Frankish rulers should perhaps be seen as power struggles within a small kin-group , and therefore as precursors of the civil wars that were to follow , but we know nothing about the connections between the petty kings of the years prior to 511 .
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