Example sentences of "our [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 into our budget for this year to put that in all the other Park and Ride car parks .
2 that it has reduced over the last year at Thornhill and I do know that we have agreed in our budget for this coming year to put in closed circuit television at all four Park and Ride car parks , which presumably will reduce it at the others as well .
3 So much has been written in recent years about Ralph Sarich 's Orbital two-stroke engine that our award for technical innovation might appear somewhat tardy .
4 Erm , some film producer sitting in London , thinks of a rural county , he 'll probably think of Shropshire , and I think this is typical example of how we can dribble away our scarce resources on a couple of thousand here , a couple of thousand there to other bodies , erm , I am , I 'm , I 'm against this proposal , we 'll keep our money for essential items .
5 It is unlikely that any report in the UK would be so brutally honest , but it accurately describes our situation , except that the inadequate nature of our provision for many students has long been recognised by many educators , and only becomes important to others through economic necessity .
6 It is one of the many ironies in our provision for old people that we offer the fit elderly cheap transport ( which they take up enthusiastically to visit their relatives ) but make no provision to enable the relatives of the frail housebound to visit them .
7 We fly to Copenhagen on Monday on the 11.45 SAS flight from Glasgow , then catch the late afternoon flight to Bornholm to arrive in good time for dinner at Svaneke , our base for six days .
8 Reine was our base for several days .
9 Our proposals for electoral and constitutional reform are a prerequisite for better economic performance .
10 What actually happened is that my Group said simply that our proposals for 11 to 16 year olds were built on our work for the primary stages , and that it would be absurd for us to bring out our second Report if its proposals were out of tune with the earlier attainment targets .
11 No longer were our proposals for long term projects just reports on pieces of paper ; they were real — and not just for us , but for the children of Vietnam .
12 Our proposals for Scottish Enterprise and for Highlands and Islands Enterprise for the next year amount to an increase of £37 million , or 8.8 per cent. , above the planned expenditure for a year ago .
13 Unless Opposition Members are prepared to stand up and pledge that they will meet the costs of every private home , no matter how high and heavy , our proposals for 1993 will overtake most of their objections , and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to respond to the debate .
14 Above all we can not ignore it : whereas at one time we might have been able to smile at the perversity of the local watch committee in another town , the collective action of several dozen politically motivated local authorities to ban News International publications effectively took censorship in libraries well beyond the silly season in the Press ; and whereas we could once afford to hang back with our copies of Fanny Hill secure in the knowledge that we would be nowhere near the top of the prosecution list , Section 28 is in place and ready to pick us off should we try to share our enthusiasm for homosexual literature with more than a few of our consenting adult users .
15 Claiming that the landscape was created by farmers and can only be maintained by farming , she added : ‘ Our policies for agricultural support and the environment need to work together , to the mutual benefit of our farming industry and of our countryside . ’
16 Next come our policies for encouraging waste recycling .
17 This was our experience for most hippocampal e.p.s.ps , even during stimulation at a constant rate .
18 The Scottish National Party deputy leader , Allan Macartney , said that Highlands and Islands needs had been accentuated by recent job losses , and forecast : ‘ The UK will never press our case for regional funding as effectively as we could .
19 Our officers say that this fits in perfectly with our plans for existing and new projects and I believe the officers .
20 Our plans for local government will bring decision-making closer to the people rather than alienating them by imposing an extra layer of bureaucracy on top of local government .
21 Anglers will benefit from and contribute to our plans for improved river quality .
22 MMC endorsed our plans for Corporate Requirements and Guidelines for Project Management .
23 We could n't get out of our houses for two days . ’
24 ( 2 ) The contract may impose a financial limit on liability ( " our liability for any breach of contract shall be limited to £100 " ) .
25 ‘ He deserves our support for that . ’
26 But a new EC directive is in danger of denying our support for some of the most exciting organic wines .
27 We will increase our support for British Coal Enterprise which promotes economic regeneration in areas affected by the closure of mines , and has successfully assisted 76,000 people in finding new jobs .
28 And that is what it seems to me is the purpose of all our support for this fund .
29 Journalists focused on a wide range of issues from specific aspects of our accounts for 1992/93 to the forms which privatisation may take and associated timing , to our projected future staffing levels .
30 Compare Auntie 's " Him and his women " ( a fine , natural contour ) with her That is the sort of weak politeness ' just afterwards , where the thought is dwelt on in a manner quite foreign to real life ; or the inane canonic whining of the Nieces ( not perhaps Britten 's most successful creations ) with Balstrode 's " D' you think we should stop our storm for such as you ? "
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