Example sentences of "way of [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As I have noted before , an apparent disadvantage of this design is that there is no obvious way of distinguishing acquired equivalence from acquired distinctiveness .
2 At present the best way of monitoring these patients is by endoscopy .
3 The new Patents County Court provides , hopefully , a speedier and less expensive way of pursuing smaller claims .
4 Ryszard Gajewski , the administrator in charge of basic energy research , was enthusiastic : ‘ The work was promising in the sense that it identified a new way of effecting nuclear fusion even though there was no strong indication that it might be practical . ’
5 ‘ If I knew another way of effecting this exorcism , as you 've aptly called it , do you think I 'd touch you ? ’
6 Experimentation with the points where you make contact with the string is the best way of locating each harmonic …
7 Now in its 4th year of production the BFI New Directors scheme is firmly established as an important way of locating new film and television makers .
8 Is there any way of fitting two front seats there — I 'm not worried about three across ,
9 We think that one way of encouraging more women 's participation is to increase the number of women coaches , and therefore provide girls with more positive role models .
10 Proximity to the eye is one effective way of magnifying visual material .
11 safest way of destroying complex and difficult compounds
12 Whether they are filtered or not , expanding dictionary definitions may provide a way of accessing semantic relations that are not accessible at the first level .
13 This example of one case discussion , lifted out of a sequence of weekly meetings , may appear a laborious way of achieving small gains , consuming time which teachers , pressed as they are , can little afford .
14 A number of Conservative councils in the late 1960s began to introduce programme budgeting or its variants under the generic title of corporate planning , often on the recommendation of management consultants as a way of achieving greater efficiency .
15 WE LEARN from Paul Johnson 's review last week of Barbara Caine 's Victorian Feminists that he dislikes certain sorts of academic terminology , detests feminism , and believes the most effective way of achieving political ends is to refrain from campaigning for them .
16 We believe that franchising provides the best way of achieving that .
17 In any event , our main aim is to stimulate the imagination , and if there 's a more delightful way of achieving that goal , I 'm open to suggestions .
18 And our job 's got ta be to tr I , I suppose really to try and move anything that gets in the way of achieving that .
19 If there really was a conspiracy against Gloucester , his subsequent actions can be seen as a matter of self-defence , culminating in his seizure of the throne as the only way of achieving long-term security from Woodville recriminations .
20 If there really was a conspiracy against Gloucester , his subsequent actions can be seen as a matter of self-defence , culminating in his seizure of the throne as the only way of achieving long-term security from Woodville recriminations .
21 I believe that the timetable that we are proposing offers a sensible and balanced way of achieving all the different objectives , including the legitimate desire of the House to consider the Bill fully , and I commend it to the House .
22 He said , at Question Time : ‘ The important matter in the Bosnian war is to give every support to the peace talks in New York — they are crucial , they are the only realistic way of achieving real peace . ’
23 But surely state intervention should have been the best way of achieving both goals ?
24 A much stronger emphasis on all forms of export agriculture , particularly through smallholder production , was one way of achieving this .
25 ‘ Service , if consciously and freely given , seemed to be the most appropriate way of achieving this end .
26 Another way of achieving this situation is by use of the ‘ idle up ’ switch on your transmitter .
27 The best way of achieving this is to secure that what the mirror is reflecting is interesting — perhaps plants , pictures , or even a fireplace .
28 The most promising way of achieving this might be to take more seriously Dworkin 's own master principle of equal concern and respect , for , as has been seen , this does appear capable of generating a right of equality which transcends that of equality of opportunity , and a right of effective participation in the decision-making process which would go far beyond the right to vote in a general election once every five years .
29 One way of achieving this is the means of using nurses ' personal and life experience in the learning situation .
30 Prussia had a dynastic interest in the same question , as Bismarck recognized when he opposed Alexander 's marriage to a Prussian princess : ‘ English policy ’ , he said , ‘ has an interest in our being on bad terms with Russia , and a Prussian princess on the Bulgarian throne would be a fairly sure way of achieving this . ’
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