Example sentences of "way and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But for this conclusion to be reached , it must be established that the accountant ought to have known that the third party would rely on the accountant 's work in the way and for the purpose alleged .
2 We can tell this because the light from their stars is reddened , in the same way and for the same reasons as the noise of an ambulance siren or a car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you .
3 Well I 'm very grateful to Mr for raising this in such a way and for the members ' contribution .
4 Written over twenty years ago , it is admittedly a tentative sketch put on in the hope that some English historians and archaeologists would set to work in a more expert way and on a bigger scale .
5 Both in a general way and on the specific matter of Molla Fenari 's death there is much that is questionable in Husameddin 's account .
6 Regarding himself , one fact emerged , in a roundabout way and with a purpose .
7 She turned her head my way and with a frown asked , ‘ What 's wrong with everyone ? ’
8 The Party officials had their way and with the imminence of the Election the debate became subsumed in the drafting of the manifesto .
9 It is always important to tell children the truth , in a way and at a level that they can accept .
10 He suggests that teams may eventually evolve new rucking and mauling habits and learn to play the game in a different way and at a different pace .
11 Rosenburg , of course , knew of Modigliani 's work and perhaps Lipchitz felt he could put some work Modigliani 's way and at the same time acquire a beautiful painting that might appreciate .
12 And the report continues to urge that the main method of educational reform should be ‘ deliberately to devise the right environment for children , to allow them to be themselves , and to develop in the way and at the pace appropriate to them ’ .
13 Working in this way and at the large scale of the painting shown here , is a very physical , expressive and exciting experience .
14 However when you come to pin it down , you find that it is not all that easy to find bits which feature exactly what you want in the way and at the length you want them .
15 We moved forward again some way and into the assault trenches — the Rifle Brigade was to form the second wave of the attack .
16 Each Table or Area doing its own thing in its own way and as an Association moving powerfully in unison .
17 Certainly by walking in the steps of Jesus who is the Way and through the leadings of the Holy Spirit who indwells God 's people .
18 ‘ Thank goodness that at last I shall be able to come from Stowbridge by the short way and under the low bridge ! ’ he said .
19 Travelling in a clockwise direction the route proceeds from Cat Nab , Saltburn along part of the Cleveland Way and along the cliff edge down to the beach at Cattersty Sands .
20 And er I have in there one of the great cyclist , he cycles all over the country , he 's gone from John O' Groats down the other way and across the opposite way , he cycles everywhere , he never goes in car he always cycles everywhere he goes .
21 Yet the articles which followed qualified certain of these rights in a typically catholic way and in the terms of the papal teaching of the day .
22 In practice , most plant production using tissue culture utilises cells that are known as callus , a mass of undifferentiated cells which are produced to repair damage , or cells from leaves , roots or stems ( see discussion in M G K Jones 1986 ) , although it is not yet possible to regenerate all plants in this way and in the context of agriculture , the cereals are the most notable exceptions .
23 It is often said that the ‘ old men ’ did everything the hard way and in the past such templates tended to be cut from the solid .
24 In The Division of Labour primitive and industrial societies were contrasted , since each was held together in a different way and by a distinctive kind of social glue .
25 It lost all fruit along the way and by the time it received an export licence it was beyond drinking .
26 In place of an external adviser drawn from the careers service , the primary school draws on the build-up of a pupil 's capacities and potential as assessed by teachers in the traditional way and by the national system of assessment at two stages .
27 No sooner has it done so than another baby joins on behind in the same way and within a few seconds , the entire litter has formed a caravan behind their parent .
28 Fishbane 's bedroom is somewhat out of the way and near the lift , so that the ladies can be discreetly smuggled up there by Ramsbum .
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