Example sentences of "way [adj] for the " in BNC.

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1 In response to the appeal , about 3,000 demonstrators converged on Olympia , where a cordon of 500 police , mounted and on foot , kept the way clear for the ticket-holders .
2 The bible is considered to be inspired literature which is in some way normative for the religion .
3 The most ambitious suggestion will be that the units behave in a way functional for the system , as demonstrated by showing why the system could not otherwise maintain its impetus .
4 He was not , it appears , in any way responsible for the Montagu declaration — though he anticipated its thinking-but came on the scene shortly afterwards as one of the chief architects of the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms .
5 I wrote a little later to say that , while his repudiation of the essay was in no way responsible for the decision , we had deferred our project .
6 It thus seems significant that there appears to have been a rumour that Edmund was in some way responsible for the death of Cnut 's father , after issuing a vain warning that tribute should not be levied from his church 's lands .
7 ( 5 ) Neither our client nor this Firm be in any way responsible for the professional charges levied by your Consultant .
8 I do not accept the intervener 's argument that it is in some way undignified for the decision of a visitor on the basis of advice from an eminent judge to be subject to judicial review and that if certiorari is held to be available senior judges will not wish to give such advice .
9 The article now left the way open for the full expression of the teaching of Pius XI that , though the family had ‘ priority of nature and therefore of rights over civil society ’ , education belonged ‘ preeminently to the Church , by reason of a double title in the supernatural order , conferred exclusively upon her by God himself ; absolutely superior therefore to any other title in the natural order ’ ( 1929 : 5–6 ) .
10 Then before an outright war between Charles and Carloman could erupt , the younger brother died , leaving the way open for the development of one of the greatest European emperors in history — but not before earlier triumphs .
11 This left the way open for the consolidation of the independents around a new organization : Common Wealth .
12 This satisfied few but left the way open for the Bolsheviks who soon controlled the army and all communications and transport in Petrograd .
13 Furthermore , Lord MacMillan observed that ‘ the categories of negligence are never closed ’ , thus leaving the way open for the broadening of the concept of negligence and its later application to a great number of different situations .
14 The injunction was subsequently lifted by the court , effectively endorsing Branson 's appointment as director and leaving the way open for the Virgin Group directors to exercise full and unhindered control of the airline .
15 The June 5 vote left the way open for the government to drop the claim .
16 It left the way open for the discovery of the electron .
17 That left the way open for the excellent constituency MP to make his peace with the leadership of the party which may , at last , be on the rise .
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