Example sentences of "way [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The horror gave way slowly to self-pity , the blue eyes filled with tears and she began to weep , the tears making runnels down her heavy makeup .
2 According to a Nature Conservancy Council Report ( 1981b ) significant declines in swan populations in many parts of Britain are due to the ingestion of lead shot and weights which find their way on to lake and stream beds from where they are consumed as grit .
3 From the tour a distressing evening found its way on to TV screens .
4 In the censorship scale obscene literature might be rated as less serious than racist literature but both would have to defer to seditious literature which normally does not find its way on to library shelves .
5 These exotic fruits are increasingly finding their way on to supermarket shelves and from there to our fruitbowls .
6 With the market for the costliest wines at a current low point , more and more very expensive and underaged bottles are finding their way on to high-street wine merchants ' shelves .
7 It 's third or fourth one coming this way right from top .
8 Some words can go in more than one category : put them in the category of the simplest error , or the one that offers the simplest way in to teaching .
9 The way in to work , cycled there last week .
10 Sports sponsorship was the indirect way in to TV advertising .
11 Schüssler Fiorenza has shown in an impressive way in In Memory of Her that women 's contribution to the life of the church was not so marginal as has often been assumed .
12 If it is n't rising or descending damp , water finds its way in by stealth .
13 As we made our way down towards Butter Tubs Pass following the boundary fence , Bill found the head of a freshly killed grouse , possibly the work of a fox , and refused to put it down again but walked along with it head first in his mouth , the neck feathers sticking out like a shuttlecock .
14 Iain had been telling us how ten to fifteen thousand years ago early man had crossed from Mongolia to Alaska by way of the Aleutian chain of volcanic islands and then , over a period of some five millennia , had worked his way down through North and South America until finally he had reached Tierra del Fuego , living out the winters virtually naked except for the natural hair of his body .
15 One morning , on his way down to breakfast , Dada saw her kneeling on the left-hand flight of the double staircase ; thinking she was saying her prayers , she was bent so low , Dada stepped past her politely .
16 How ? she pondered as she made her way down to breakfast .
17 How any attempt was going to be made when she was in Mariánské Láznë and Ven in Prague , she had n't fathomed as she made her way down to breakfast .
18 ON MY third voyage as a cadet , on the way down to West Africa war was declared .
19 He left the room , and she heard his shoes whisper their way down to Room C.
20 When he was ready he came back into her room , shutting the door behind him on his way down to dinner .
21 It 's the distance the axe is swung back ( without overdoing it ) that allows power and speed to be gathered on the way down to impact .
22 Towards evening he felt a little better , and having declined luncheon groped his way down for supper ; the stairs were unlit .
23 Here it proved a network of veins including the powerful Belman 's Hole Vein , the result being a rich and continuous course of ore — The Californian Bunch — all the way down from surface to 10 fathoms below its random … not much short of 70 fathoms in all .
24 It was the last of several stops on the way down from Dún Laoghaire .
25 Thus the title track thumps its way along in baseball mitts shouting and employing illegal Tango taste sensation manoeuvres , ‘ Blue Flower ’ is daft King 's Road wafting slightly à la ‘ Kinky Love ’ , ‘ Half-Life Remembered ’ makes Brian Eno looks like Dumpy 's Rusty Nuts , and the very weedily named ‘ Reflections From A Watery World ’ is a charming Michael Nyman meets John Barry harpsichord shagathon .
26 er those of you in the maths exam could start making your way over to room fifty six
27 After breakfasting with the mortar team I made my way over to Brigade H.Q As I passed along the wall of the orchard I suddenly thought about the Frenchman and his family who lived in the cottage on the other side of the wall .
28 Metals was used for barrels but only for ones that were being taken a long way away like wine barrels that were being taken to or from Gascony .
29 Now if I point out that it 's in bold erm and it preempts a question that generally comes up and that is if we er we will pay thirty percent up to a hundred miles one way away from home and er if we had to send you , and it 's a big if I have to say it 's a big if in especially in the medical practice side , if we had to send you more than a hundred miles we will pay another five percent .
30 However , I 'm sure you 'll agree that a bit of feathering one 's nest is a long way away from murder .
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