Example sentences of "how [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You remember how shy the father of Moseh was when Hamed 's father put the proposal ?
2 He might have listened to complaints of how stifling an aunt could be when one wanted to wander around London alone , or how one got sick in Venice or Paris , but he could only touch an elbow with mock sympathy or pat a sea-sprayed hand .
3 One interpretation was based on the fact that in each case memory appeared to be best for situations which accorded with the subjects ’ expectations about the junction , an attempt to test this was made by considering subjects ’ ratings for how normal the situation was .
4 ‘ when I considered how striking a display such a life affords of the nature of true religion — of the power of divine grace — of the mysterious but all-wise course of Divine Providence — and of the encouragement afforded for our dependance upon that Providence in the most trying circumstances … ‘
5 But how extensive a part ?
6 Just how extensive a lord 's rights would be in these circumstances would depend partly upon local custom and partly upon the relative power of lord and vassal .
7 Now we have GCSE , which devolves somewhat the choice of topics and the manner and timing of assessment to individual schools , and shifts the balance of that assessment from the retention of content to the mastery of certain identifiable skills — though in practice how extensive a shift this has been remains open to question .
8 Owen was surprised to see how extensive the list was .
9 This aerial shot shows how extensive the site was when Erinoids occupied it .
10 Oh ! really , how absurd the man was !
11 This fact merely needs stating to show how absurd the law is .
12 When he passed through an ivy-clad trellis arch and saw the man he sought , however , raking dead leaves and twigs into an incinerator , he realized how absurd the idea was that they could somehow be twin actors of the same part who had never met on stage till this unscripted moment .
13 The Ife Six Year Primary Project demonstrates just how profitable a well-run and well-funded project can be .
14 There is , however , one other problem requiring study which could illuminate the question of how profitable the war was .
15 What television can not do is convey the rise and fall of the holes and show how undulating the land is .
16 He would have been very satisfied to know what a comfort Steven has been to our family , how understanding , how supportive a friend in time of need , a valuable help to us in everything from fixing the car , taking over day to day decisions affecting the business/work/ Annabelle 's job , to just being there when we wanted advice and assistance .
17 No matter how logical or even how emotional the communication may be , the barrier prevents any unifying of perceptions .
18 What he did to me … that was to show us how total a tyranny was being planned , so that I — so that we — would loathe it .
19 Whilst at first sight this takes these areas outside the scope of enforceable Community law , it may be wondered how total the exclusion is .
20 He never realized how grateful a man could be for the chance to wash .
21 If you , Mr. Deputy Speaker , read what that council has got up to over the past four years , you will appreciate fully , just as people in Hackney do , just how shameful the record is .
22 In private most managers worry intensely about how corrosive the change will be .
23 The point , now belaboured , is how rich the state is in possibility , no matter what the taste or budget .
24 Knowing that large crowds mean a large number of losses , I 'm sure you can also imagine how rich the ground must be at certain spots on Harrogate 's common .
25 The question then arises as to how specific the Community legislation has to be before it precludes national legislation .
26 Which just goes to show how strong a hold The Birthday Party still has on the public imagination .
27 Even Ceauşescu 's critics inside the Communist Party revealed how strong a hold over them the anti-agricultural ideology of Marxism possessed .
28 For one thing , there is a limit to how strong a leg bone can be in order to withstand great mass .
29 Another wise investment is a life-jacket , for no matter how strong a swimmer you may be you can not swim if you are well wrapped up against the cold .
30 The degree of organisation developed by both Whigs and Tories during the Exclusion Crisis was probably sufficient to allow us to describe them as parties , although opinions on this matter will vary depending upon how strong a definition of " party " one chooses to adopt .
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