Example sentences of "her with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There had even been times when he 'd found himself imagining her with no clothes on at all — the way he had once seen Peggy Podmore — and felt the same keen desire well up in him .
2 ‘ I am ready , ’ he announced , pulling himself to the edge of the pool and looking down at her with no expression on his face to give her any clue about his attitude .
3 Finn still carried her with no sign of fatigue .
4 Not for the first time she cursed the lack of experience wth men that left her with no clue as to how to interpret what happened between them .
5 Does he really believe that the woman who spent an hour asking questions would have passively accepted everything a female consultant told her with no queries ?
6 Her doctor , Helen Soteriou , said it had left her with no resources for her final battle against serious illness .
7 Now the doubts in her mind were obliterated as a searing excitement took over , leaving her with no thought of evasion , no thought of anything but to respond completely , to enjoy the strength and purpose , the seductive presence of Rune Christensen , filling her senses with him , tasting , touching … enjoying …
8 He rode on toward her with no change of pace , getting quite close before he spoke .
9 Vendelin Gajdusek flicked one last look at her , leaving her with no idea whether he approved or disapproved , and , pausing only to pick up the dog 's lead , he went to the kitchen door with her .
10 At first she had travelled first class and stayed in only the best hotels , but McKenna had found her with no trouble at all .
11 Sarah closed her eyes when he lifted her nightdress and entered her with no show of sentiment .
12 The storm surrounding the Queen 's children has left her with no option but to cave in and slash the £9.8 million the Royal Family costs the taxpayer .
13 Which left her with no alternative but to hobble on as best she could .
14 In obvious anger he dismissed her with a wave .
15 Guido was inviting her with a wave of his hand to take a seat on one of the sofas — there were four , all in soft pastel colours and piled with cushions .
16 She had dreamt about him that night , she remembered , and in her dream he had looked at her with a smile of recognition .
17 I watched through George 's window as Filmer made great effort to go towards her with a smile , drawing attention away from the gaunt-faced man , who returned to the station .
18 As he pulled away , he turned to her with a smile .
19 ‘ In rude health , ’ he assured her with a smile .
20 The Contessa turned to her with a smile .
21 He looked at her with a smile on his wide , open face .
22 The man handed it to her with a smile , then turned back , shaking his head .
23 Rose , apparently calm and relaxed , greeted her with a smile .
24 Robert Dexter greeted her with a smile .
25 When Barney opened the door to Melissa he greeted her with a smile but his eyes remained grave .
26 Guido turned and paused to confront her with a smile in the doorway of his bedroom .
27 Luke Calder sat down on the settee , pulling Fran down next to him as he favoured her with a smile that would have made a lesser woman fall in a grateful little heap at his feet .
28 If she is fond of animals , providing her with a cat or a small dog of her own , if she can look after it ( and if your household as a whole would find its presence acceptable ) , may make a tremendous difference to her life .
29 He fixed her with a warning look .
30 But as soon as she walked in to see Keith he had faced her with a heap of newspaper and snippets of video-recordings .
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