Example sentences of "her back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Always wondered what brought her back to the miseries of soggy grey England , the endless winters .
2 She wears big dark glasses and insists on sitting with her back to the throng , coincidentally facing the mirror .
3 The midwife muttered her spells , and from far away Phoebe could hear voices calling her , siren voices that called her back to the pain and the reality .
4 She 's standing with her back to the window and I can see a sort of thin blue light round her body .
5 He bustled her back to the Land Rover and raided the squad 's provision box which he knew from experience would contain thick sandwiches and hot nourishing drinks .
6 Mrs Hollidaye , supping porridge with her back to the flaming range and her face towards the window exclaimed , ‘ Why do look , Dorothy !
7 In savannah trees , the male advertises the nest and pursues a female that approaches him , bringing her back to the nest after a chase .
8 ‘ If I ca n't get her back to the sea , I 'll have to become a farmer , ’ he said .
9 In these scenes an unknown actress , impersonating Harlow 's voice , speaks the lines with her back to the camera or with her face hidden by a wide-brimmed hat ; at the sight of this , Boy simply got up and left the living room , left the end of the film unwatched and just sat in the kitchen with a pot of tea .
10 She had taken her last look at this obscure outpost of the Soviet Union and now stood with her back to the low sun .
11 Now Henry thought about it , she seemed to enter rooms which he was in carefully , keeping her back to the wall ; if he got close to her , she nearly always moved away quickly , usually making sure their bodies did not touch .
12 It would be late at night , she would have her back to the door and , when brushing her teeth , Elinor went into a kind of trance .
13 He caught her , steering her back to the bed , bundling her in , dressing gown and all .
14 Once more things were happening she had not caused to happen but now there was a difference and she sat with her back to the tree trying to discover what the difference was .
15 Which brought her back to the sack and to the Friar who had carried it and left it in their care .
16 The teacher referred her back to the work done with connector rods and scales and then asked her what she needed to do .
17 Then , with her back to the door , she sprinkled the rest of the contents of the bowl high into the air and out over the edge of the roof .
18 The chosen person stands with her back to the rest and throws the ball over her head without looking to see where it lands .
19 He placed the proofs on the desk , refused Alice Mair 's offer of coffee and followed her back to the front door .
20 He would have escorted her back to the Old Rectory and then , a minor social obligation performed , turned with relief to walk alone to the abbey , drawing his solitude around him like a cloak .
21 She swayed slightly and Stephen took her arm and helped her back to the coach .
22 I regressed Carol to the night of the crime , taking her back to the outing to the cinema rather than straight to the heart of the distressing incident .
23 Seeing Perdita beginning to wilt , Luke took her back to the house .
24 She made a frantic leap to shake them off , as they lifted her back and front nearside feet over the rope and positioned her with her back to the revving Mercedes again .
25 She sat with her back to the window and Lee felt somewhat at a loss faced , at last , by the elderly woman in the opaque , black-lensed spectacles and the expensive , rather drab suit , framed by sun-rays admitted through the tall crimson-curtained opening .
26 What , Mo asked , would tempt her back to the polling booths ?
27 Her heart touched on the instant by her friend 's distress , she put an arm through hers and led her back to the palace .
28 I kicked the slippers that were there waiting for me out of the way and then we saw her standing with her back to the fire .
29 Five minutes later , when he returned to the lawn , she was sitting with her back to the tree and , standing before her , he said , ‘ I do n't know how to thank you for your kindness .
30 When she returns to Pierre and Claire , they are unwilling to believe what she claims has happened but they drive with her back to the field and Maria finds the opening in the wheat where he is lying .
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