Example sentences of "me as i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Too quickly , for my mother looked at me as I put them on the table .
2 ‘ I do not , ’ she said and pushed at me as I put the tea down .
3 Motes of mica glittered in the beams that bathed me as I searched the rock above for clues .
4 In his Life he made William X of Aquitaine protest against Louis 's meddling in the Auvergne , with the words : ‘ If the count of Auvergne has committed any fault , it is my duty to present him at your court on your order , because he holds the Auvergne of me as I hold it of you . ’
5 They caught me as I came through the lounge door .
6 ‘ She 's dead , I know ! ’ he called to me as I came closer .
7 There was a layer of grey-blue smoke in the room at about shoulder level , and a big wave in it , probably produced by me as I came in through the double doors of the back porch .
8 As ever , little was done to conceal anything from me as I went in and out of the various rooms in which these gentlemen sat deep in discussion , and I thus could not avoid gaining a certain impression of the general mood at this stage of the proceedings .
9 Several people nodded and smiled at me as I went past , so I had no inkling of what was going to happen .
10 Maybe it had some bearing on Uncle Fred 's last words to me as I went off to do my National Service in the army .
11 The stink of the place hit me as I went in .
12 I asked him if he had any advice for me as I went to Rhodesia .
13 All the servants knew my name and pointed at me as I passed them .
14 On the way I passed the rabbit I thought had escaped , lying just before the sparkling clean water of the stream ; blackened and contorted , locked into a weird , twisted crouch , its dead dry eyes staring up at me as I passed by , accusatory .
15 Awe of a different order touched me as I observed the intimidatingly sybaritic cafés lining the avenue , and I was almost overcome with a crise de nerfs when attempting to cross at Etoile .
16 ‘ You would n't have thought so if you 'd heard him shouting after me as I ran away , ’ Sarah said .
17 This was a joy for me as I had puzzled often on the jumble of tops visible from the A82 and in the mass of high peaks this area contains .
18 I enjoyed Richard who was a casual , almost brutal lover , his desire rising and spending itself as impatiently as mine , so that I did not have to suffer all that tedious , preliminary business of fondling and stroking , and I enjoyed my baby , which surprised me as I had not expected to .
19 They began with Haydn 's Cello Concerto , which was a pleasant surprise for me as I had heard the piece only a week or two before at a concert of Mozart and Haydn 's music featuring Camerata and had liked the piece very much .
20 Nobody was as excited to see me as I 'd expected .
21 By now dear old Monty , resigned to losing me as I got more ambitious , had pushed my salary up to nearly £10 a week .
22 He nodded and did not follow me as I got off the train .
23 But what amazed me as I said before was their antagonism to strangers .
24 He came up to me as I shut the door .
25 The woods crowd in on me as I make my way along the ancient track .
26 Sister Paul would pretend not to see me as I hung about outside around the staffroom to see her pass by for the third time that day .
27 By the operation of sod 's law I would n't mind betting that this nice old man will turn out to be a lovely companion and will treat me as I like men to treat me .
28 A cordon of stagehands appeared from nowhere and surrounded me as I stepped out of the car .
29 There was no one around in the hall to see me as I stepped inside .
30 I had heard about the Dog Man before on my week-long journey from Kirk Yetholm towards Edale — travellers going north had told me as I journeyed south at first that the Dog Man was only three days ahead of me , then two days ahead of me , and then the final group of walkers had told me that it would n't be long before I caught him up .
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