Example sentences of "me to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 've cut the ropes that bind me to the shore , she thought , and sinking down onto the arm of Meredith 's chair she listened , smiling , to one of the pirates confiding that when he was in town he consulted the same dentist as dear Johnny .
2 That day I was lucky , and the sea carried me to the shore .
3 Flupper took me to the shore and I ran to Lollo .
4 Towsie ( nickname for one of the foreign miners ) came and sat down beside me while the smoke cleared a bit , and then took me to the trench , which was full of red embers , roasting the rock as when you roast eggs in the ashes .
5 In it she declared how glad she was to think : ‘ … that the letter written by me to the King of Prussia at a critical moment had been of some use ’ , though quite what effect the letter may have had is unfortunately not spelt out .
6 " You are to take me to the King , " he said .
7 No , what drew me to the Hall was personal .
8 ‘ Put on your robes and your crown , my lady , ’ he said , ‘ and come with me to the hall . ’
9 They 're keeping me to the contract … wanting their pound o ’ flesh .
10 I was engrossed in these thoughts and just about to drip it on the top of my head as I had seen Sally do when , from nowhere , a hand knocked me to the floor , spilling the contents of the bottle .
11 He eases me to the floor .
12 He caught me around the waist and flung me to the floor .
13 ‘ They pushed me to the floor and stuck what I thought was the gun to my knee-caps and threatened to blow them off if I moved . ’
14 He looked from me to the suitcase and back again in amazement .
15 This episode leads me to the idea that at the physical level , there is a need for a philosophy to overcome disasters and fear , and also to help that majority of people who do not fulfil all their biological needs , and who have to sublimate them .
16 ‘ Take me to the church hall — and hurry ! ’ he ordered .
17 Get me to the Church on time
18 You then followed me to the ticket reservation counter , chatted up the girl afterwards , found I 'd booked a Business-Class seat to Brussels , did the same yourself and waited outside the final departure lounge until you saw me boarding . ’
19 Nothing the Conservatives have said so far has caught my fancy , still less warmed my heart ; or , I am glad to say , shocked me to the core .
20 This is not what I want to hear from the man who once shook me to the core with a string of incendiary albums .
21 The war drums throbbed , a muffled , far-carrying , never-ceasing sound that thrilled me to the core ; the five-foot trumpets brayed .
22 At the time it shocked me to the core .
23 He catches me watching him and smiles a naughty smile which thrills me to the core .
24 He took me to the farmer , who soon realized that I was not an animal , but an intelligent being .
25 I kicked myself all the way back to the hotel for being an arrant coward , and next day persuaded my companion to return with me to the scene of our defeat and try again .
26 The King of this country ( which was called Lilliput ) had ordered his people to carry me to the capital city , about a kilometre away .
27 Nine hundred of the strongest men worked for about three hours to lift me on to the platform , and one thousand five hundred of the King 's largest horses ( each eleven and a half centimetres high ) pulled me to the capital .
28 There the bailiffs pushed and shoved me through a porticoed entrance , down a long , dark , musty passageway into the main well of the court , fastening me to the bar ; beyond it sat the three magistrates before a square table ringed by clerks .
29 A rattling commotion alerted me to the patrol well before it reached the alley .
30 What attracted me to the job/career advertised ?
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