Example sentences of "me think [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The idea came from the experience of pulling hair out of the bathtub ; ‘ this made me think about the things that are worthless , that we want to get rid of , the embarrassing hidden things like body hair , and the things we value and cultivate — in our culture , for instance , the head of hair is usually the first thing people register when they look at someone , a great deal of energy and money is , therefore , expended on hairdressing and styling .
2 ‘ Ca n't think of anywhere myself , let me think for a minute .
3 ‘ Let me think for a while . ’
4 Paul Oldfield topped the lot in Melody Maker when he wrote of the track ‘ Living And Learning ’ that it ‘ made me think of a man who favoured The Jasmine Minks and My Bloody Valentine , but whose bedroom was so damp that miraculous spores and mildew afflicted his brown suede and paisley . ’
5 It made me think of a Bedouin taking out his prayer carpet and unrolling it in the vastness of the desert .
6 It had two wings , one of which made me think of a church .
7 Then I heard the footsteps … coming up fast= an echoing , slapping sound making me think of a great bird or bat flapping up from the bottom of a wall …
8 I know what 's coming , it 's always the same , please God make her stop , help me bear it , let me think of a poem to say as a distraction , make this all go away , Charlotte , Alexander , Mother , everything , only not father , not the farm — ;
9 She always wore a flowered cotton overall and her thin gingery hair framed a face that made me think of a martyr in search of grace .
10 E actually yours made me think of a story that I was told many years ago on a coach trip over Dartmoor
11 It made me think of the Palace Hotel .
12 She was , however , immensely enthusiastic and encouraging , trying to make me think of the enterprise as a holiday as well as a mission with a sad and serious purpose .
13 This time of the building of the gardens of our minds makes me think of the Pacific Ocean where insects spin the sunlight and the salt water , and weave them into the most beautiful oases of the sea .
14 His talk made me think of the housing estates near Mum 's house , where the ‘ working class ’ would have laughed in Terry 's face — those , that is , who would n't have smacked him round the ear for calling them working class in the first place .
15 Too much space and too much light in this courtyard : it made me think of the difference between his face and mine .
16 But it made me think of the voice that sent us to the bar ; he whispered then .
17 Er with reference to the great pestilence er makes me think of the original great pestilence , the Black Death and of course er contaminated individuals be put in a pest house far away from places of habitation but they can contaminate others which one ca n't help thinking that it would be quite a good policy has commissioned .
18 It has also led me to think along the lines of who needs to work habitation sites when finds like this are popping up in random places ?
19 I sha n't be sorry to get home to Blackstone Rd , it worries me to think of the damp and the dirt , I hope you did what I said and aired all the rooms and linen like I said and got a good cleaning woman in like I said the same as with you , I hope .
20 But it was ‘ Tusk ’ that started me thinking along the lines of trying to be true to what I think 's interesting and not necessarily just what people want to hear . ’
21 What had started me thinking about the underground — or the informal sector — was spending a couple of years in Latin America .
22 I was recently talking to the mother of a four year old boy about his progress at learning his letters , when I realized just how responsible and vulnerable she felt about his lack of progress , and that started me thinking about the educational process and the pressures that we put on ourselves and our children to succeed .
23 This set me thinking on the themes that are expressed in this book .
24 That was what set me thinking in the first place . ’
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