Example sentences of "only [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This means that the beam deflectors and gun need sweep the beam only through a small angle .
2 She could see only through a watery mist and realized after a moment 's panic that she still had her reading glasses on .
3 It is only through a combined approach that school will be enabled to deliver all their programmes of study and make enough time to do more .
4 Although the aim of the Meditations was to stimulate an emotional response to the humanity of Christ in an act of affective piety , this was closely tied to a theological understanding that only through a loving penitential identification with His suffering could man also experience the transfiguring reality of the power of His Resurrection and life .
5 It was completely contrary to Lord Darlington 's natural tendencies to take such public stances as he came to do and I can say with conviction that his lordship was persuaded to overcome his more retiring side only through a deep sense of moral duty .
6 In the nineteenth century , divorce was more or less impossible except for the very wealthy , initially only through a private Act of parliament .
7 It is only through a living faith in God that we can make a new start in our emotional life with each other .
8 In these , he adopts a Kantian constructivist position which proposes certain basic categories through which alone the world may be apprehended , but recasts them as dynamic forms achieved only through a long process of interaction with the environment , in which the infant develops cognitive abilities as a means of dealing with the world .
9 The final decision as to what to count is actually the solution to the problem in hand ; this decision is taken only through a long series of complicated exploratory maneuvers ’ ( Labov 1972a : 82 ) .
10 On the contrary , it is only through a phenomenological clarification of the structure of experiences that the logical properties of such sentences can be made fully transparent .
11 He writes : ‘ No knowledgeable reading researcher disputes the fact that a higher level of national literacy will come only through a higher level of nationally shared information . ’
12 It is only through a continuous , open exchange of views and experience that libraries will make the optimum use of the varied powerful electronic media opportunities that will characterise information options of the 1990s .
13 The relevant factors to consider in investment appraisal are likely to be different for each product and can be determined only through a thorough understanding of the company 's and industry 's actual and specific situation .
14 You find a parallel world that knows great beauty but can speak only through a tiny box of plastic and tin .
15 The break with this structure of belonging can be announced only through a certain organisation , a certain strategic arrangement which , within the field of metaphysical opposition , uses the strengths of the field to turn its own stratagems against it , producing a force of dislocation that spreads itself throughout the entire system , fissuring it in every direction and thoroughly delimiting it .
16 It will be shown , as was already briefly hinted earlier on , that the concept of objective order is inseparable from the idea of a plurality of witnessing selves — a " self " to be understood here in the sense of an experienced unity of biographical time , not as some kind of substantival entity — and the idea of error ; and that the latter ideas in turn can be clarified only through a careful study of the nature of language .
17 Under the existing law , these United Kingdom citizens can vote in British and EC parliamentary elections only through a complicated registration procedure , which allows voting only by proxy ( difficult to arrange and flouting the whole principle of a secret ballot ) .
18 At the least it is usually laid down that the amendment of the Constitution can take place only through a special process different from that by which the ordinary law is altered …
19 SCOTTISH Universities earned a draw against Welsh Universities at Peffermill , Edinburgh , yesterday , but only through a last-minute penalty by their full-back , Nick Mardon .
20 It can do so only through a constant turnover of individuals , whose sole purpose in being born is to reproduce and then die .
21 From there it was possible to get into the Cathedral only through a large , very heavy door directly opposite the one they had just come through .
22 The college doors were firmly closed , affording entry only through a smaller aperture , barely the size of a human being , cut into one of them .
23 It enables a person to achieve results which can be achieved only through an advance commitment to a whole series of actions , rather than by case to case examination .
24 The conduct of pedagogic research as I have defined it here presupposes attitudes and approaches to techniques of teaching which are developed only through an educational perspective and this in turn calls for a continuous programme of in-service support .
25 The great agricultural countries between the Baltic and the Black Sea can free themselves from patriarchal-feudal barbarism only through an agrarian revolution which will transform the peasants from their condition of serfdom or of subjection to the corvée into the free owners of the land — a revolution which will be exactly the same as the French revolution of 1789 in the countryside .
26 In the 1760s Catherine II of Russia had in self-defence to issue decrees ordering her subjects to petition her only through the appropriate officials and not by the direct personal presentation to her of their grievances and requests .
27 Only through the rich utilization of this concept can we fully honor the human-worth value ’ ( p. 8 ) .
28 Hailey 's reservations about Indirect Rule were based purely upon the practical consideration that in its dogmatic insistence on working only through the authentic traditional leadership it excluded other , possibly more effective , methods of securing the essential ‘ degree of acquiescence ’ in British rule .
29 Parliamentary sovereignty was felt to be compatible with the rule of law primarily because ‘ the commands of Parliament … can be uttered only through the combined actions of its three constituent parts ’ and that , ‘ unlike a sovereign monarch who is not only a legislator but a ruler , that is , head of the executive government , has never hitherto been able to use the powers of the government as a means of interfering with the regular course of law ’ .
30 Certain tasks can be performed only through the combined efforts of a number of people working together — e.g. a police or a medical operation .
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