Example sentences of "only [prep] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 The speaker is thus identified , but in an oblique way , which the reader can comprehend only through familiarity with the idiomatic use of ‘ gather ’ as meaning ‘ to deduce or conclude from something heard or read ’ .
2 But the leaders needed to support their bid with sufficient military backing , and that was usually available only through collaboration with foreign powers .
3 However , many clients were supported by the scheme , and it is only through comparison with the control sample that one can determine whether or not the project was successful in sustaining them at home for a longer period of time than would have been the case without it .
4 Oracle7 does support both database remote procedure calls and programmatic two-phase commit , but only for use with Oracle7 's open gateway and programmable server .
5 There remains the sodium amytal test which is accurate but suitable only for use with candidates for brain surgery .
6 Evaporated conductive coatings are needed only for use with high voltage hot cathode cathodoluminescence instruments .
7 The blow was enormous , not least because Knox had been once again reluctant to leave Geneva for Scotland , and had done so only after consultation with his English congregation there , and with John Calvin .
8 I accept that there may be a case for the use of the guillotine , but surely only after consultation with the official Opposition and the other parties .
9 A child 's response to death will vary not only in accordance with parental attitudes , but also in accordance with age .
10 The review of directors ' managerial decisions can be viewed as being motivated by a similar desire to ensure that directors exercise their powers only in accordance with the will of their constituents ( the shareholders ) and that they are subjected to the controls often associated with the Rule of Law to prevent them from using their power arbitrarily .
11 Use them only in accordance with the manufacturer 's instructions or advice from a reliable source .
12 This argument appealed to what I called the ideal of protected expectation , that collective force should be used only in accordance with standards chosen and read through procedures the community as a whole knows will be used for that purpose , procedures so widely acknowledged that they are matters of general social or professional convention .
13 You see , I 'm only in love with a fantasy figure .
14 In many dental applications the biomaterials which are used are only in contact with fluids , such as saliva , and thus mechanical properties are important .
15 I feel sceptical but would give them a try I believe they work but only in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise
16 The agreement expands on an existing deal under which Ericsson sold Cisco kit only in conjunction with its own Telecommunications Management and Operations Support Unix application .
17 Both the enlarged access facility and the supplementary financing facility are available to members of the IMF only in conjunction with the use of resources in the upper credit tranches ( i.e. they are special arrangements when normal credit lines are insufficient ) and are for countries which are facing serious payments imbalances that are large in relation to their quotas .
18 Thus the — s here does not independently signal plurality , but only in conjunction with the exponent of plurality in those .
19 The letter continues : ‘ Any increase in connection and rental charges above the RPI will act as a disincentive to pensioners — since the state pension is uprated only in line with the RPI .
20 Her duties differ from a preregistration house officer 's only in line with the legal restrictions on nursing staff .
21 Since then , the Government has had a statutory responsibility to increase benefits only in line with prices .
22 The Treasury later insisted that benefits would rise only in line with inflation .
23 It would be helpful if matching promises could now be made by Washington , London and Paris , that they will exercise their residual responsibilities only in the direction requested by the German people , and by Bonn , that the German right of self-determination will be exercised only in consultation with the three Western Allies .
24 They agreed to observe the moratorium , and to resume dumping after 2007 only in consultation with other signatory states .
25 The right to a trade mark can be assigned only in connection with the goodwill of the business concerned in the goods for which it has been registered , and comes to an end with that goodwill .
26 It was possible , therefore , so far as Hitler was specifically linked to the boycott at all , to see him only in connection with presumed justifiable action , and detached from the ‘ unfortunate excesses ’ of Party activists .
27 These specifically make it clear that the clinic may not disclose that someone has had the test , or its result , without that person 's consent , except to a doctor , or a doctor 's assistant ( and even then only in connection with , and for the purpose of the treatment or prevention of spread of HIV infection ) .
28 Preston 's was the only film that even mentioned God , and that was only in connection with his opposite number .
29 L 178 , p. 5 ) ) , only in connection with the residence requirement laid down for shareholders , and it will therefore be considered only in the context of part ( b ) of the question as I have reformulated it above .
30 However the total cost of providing the school is incurred not only in connection with the provision of the benefit to the employee but also in providing the school with fee paying boys .
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