Example sentences of "only [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Medea 's aria with the children before the murder in Act 3 also promises a higher musical flight , only to fall into squareness .
2 Medea 's aria with the children before the murder in Act 3 also promises a higher musical flight , only to fall into squareness .
3 An early contestant for the role of heir apparent , Aleke Banda , a minister in the 1960s , was restricted to his village for several years before being partially rehabilitated only to fall in disgrace again in the mid 1980s .
4 They were not only pressed into service , but were forced to become Muslims and to learn Turkish , and they were not allowed to marry .
5 The following features of a statutory redundancy payment emerged : ( 1 ) The obligation was imposed on the employer ; ( 2 ) It only arose on dismissal and might never arise if an employee worked until retirement , whether voluntary — early retirement — or at an agreed date , each of which was based on contract ; ( 3 ) It only arose if certain preconditions were proved ; ( 4 ) It applied to all employees who had worked for at least two years with an employer ; ( 5 ) Certain classes of employee were excluded , eg redundant employees refusing suitable alternative employment ; employees under a fixed-term contract of two years or more , who had renounced their redundancy rights in writing ; ( 6 ) A voluntary redundancy could be under a contractual statutory scheme , and under such a contractual scheme it was often the equivalent of early retirement by agreement ; ( 7 ) In no way could a redundancy payment be described as a deferred emolument or pay ; it was a monetary compensation for the disappearance of a job .
6 From this base he mounted a successful practice executing public works and speculative building on the grandest scale , only halted by bankruptcy in the financial crash of 1793 .
7 However , these advantages are unlikely to be important if scale economies are only limited in extent , and cost-based pricing is certainly easier to adopt .
8 Religious fundamentalism does not only exist within Christianity but also in other religions , especially those based on a scripture .
9 Rather , Poulantzas says , ‘ What makes them function concretely as a distinct class , as a social force , is in fact the historical phenomenon of Bonapartism ’ , thus seeming to imply that the two are interconnected in such a way that each can only exist in conjunction with the other .
10 It made the marketing of Palestinian goods inside Israel subject to a licence that in practice was only given for produce , like olives , which was not produced by Jews in commercial quantities .
11 M27 is the most dwarfing stock ; trees reach only 5–6ft at maturity .
12 However , ta'kwakomena not only refers to responsibility , but to personal autonomy in general .
13 ( 1987 : 29 ) I would only add that the value of what we can not understand is only recognized by reference to what we can .
14 All this was so ludicrous that Jane could only laugh in disbelief , until , by accident , she found out the reason for the hostility of the erstwhile ‘ noble ’ family .
15 ‘ So far as I can see , he only thinks about snooker , his girlfriend and pop music .
16 One need only think of water , gas , electricity and telephone charges , which fall disproportionately on single person households .
17 The problem with Orwell is that he could only think of class conflict in terms of major insurrectionary conflict .
18 We need only think of laurel leaves ( from which cyanide is derived ) and the foxglove , which can be lethal unless cautiously administered .
19 or kind of oven in nine , I can only think of Oakhouse as a kind of oven but erm I do n't know whether that 's it or not .
20 According to Lord Deedes , and her husband John who now only plays off 6-handicap , she continues to do the dishes with Fairy liquid and is only mildly interested that tabloid writers are concerned about the injured wrist of Nick Faldo , which threatens to dictate sports pages throughout 1991 .
21 The Emperor , popularly supposed to be immortal , only endured by virtue of adamantine , anguished courage and will power .
22 From the moment children leave the cosy nest of home , even if only to go to nursery school , parents lose the power to choose and control all their children 's friendships .
23 Erm at that erm meeting members did er bring up a number of points er , the comments and questions which have been put to the Environment Trust and the answers to them are there on page ninety five under progress to date and , and on onto page ninety six er , the main ones really are the question as to whether er , any rented housing could be provided erm , in the scheme is dealt with there the Environment Trust only develop for sale or for equity share er , they 're not a housing association , they 're a charitable body erm so they did n't feel that they were able to er , take on the role of er , provided rented housing in the scheme .
24 Richard Morton is generally credited with the first medical description in 1689 and he poignantly captured the key clinical feature : ‘ I do not remember that I did ever in all my practice see one , that was conversant with the living so much wasted with the greatest degree of a consumption ( like a skeleton only clad with skin ) ’ .
25 At present , women only qualify for leave if they have worked for the same employer for two years ; five years for women who work less than 16 hours per week .
26 The belief underlying such proposals is that many older people are only referred for treatment at a late stage of dependency when treatment is less effective and more expensive .
27 However , he said they only asked about staffing contracts between Ling and the health authority , which were all above board .
28 As he had lived alone before his stroke , he had to hire 24-hour nursing help , and a nurse accompanied him whenever he went out , which was initially only to attend for rehabilitation care .
29 That might be the motto of the Scottish Health Education Group who not only advertise on television but sponsor a radio soap opera , to say nothing of the Scottish football team .
30 If becoming a person can only arise through communion with God , then in the same way the marriage of two persons arises and is sustained only in God .
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