Example sentences of "only [verb] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 motorist admits to not seeing boy who came from opposite pavement but accepted that motorist had only limited opportunity for seeing him .
2 ‘ The county council has only limited insurance for its schools simply because of the enormous premiums which would be required to provide comprehensive cover , ’ he said .
3 The Chancellor may decide to encourage greater use of diesel : however , he has only limited scope for any price differentiation between DERV and petrol , for since December diesel has actually been 10 pence per gallon more expensive than unleaded petrol .
4 Yet as the responsibilities of public life invade Hal 's apprenticeship to pleasure , the distinction — prose with Falstaff/verse without him — breaks down , as we see when he addresses his fat friend in verse to urge him to the wars ( III.iii.199ff. ) , a change of tone so marked that Shakespeare makes Falstaff reply in a couplet — as Milton Crane noted , Falstaff is only given verse for mockery .
5 But do n't go around being cross or you 'll only make enemies for yourself .
6 In future Castle will only make provision for amortisation of audio copyrights for permanent diminution in value .
7 It is known as the Appropriation Act because it not only grants approval for the total sums requested , but also prescribes how the overall sum is to be apportioned to particular votes in order to finance specified services .
8 The extent to which the desire for the products of industry , beyond necessities , results from the processes of want-creation as distinct from pre-existing materialistic tendencies is obscure , but there is some plausibility in Galbraith 's picture of a corporate system whose power includes an ability not only to stimulate demand for particular goods but also to shape prevailing social values .
9 It only receives support for very basic administrative costs , and projects like this one are voluntary activities by members of working parties .
10 At an awards ceremony at the Polytechnic of the South Bank in 1974 he castigated those people ‘ who would like to make polytechnics exactly like universities ’ , and who ignored the fact that the polytechnics had the distinctive feature of not only pursuing knowledge for its own sake , but also treating the acquisition of knowledge as ‘ never far removed from its application ’ — and constructing courses of study accordingly .
11 He lived in France all his life and , apart from three years spent in London ( 1857–61 ) training for a business career , only visited Britain for short painting expeditions on three other occasions in 1874 , 1881 , and 1897 .
12 The Council not only considered proposals for degrees and other awards , it gave assistance and advice in the early stages of the formulation of courses , and in amending them if they were rejected by the Council .
13 For example , contacting users ' families not only causes unpleasantness for the individual concerned but also damages the centres ' carefully nurtured congenial atmosphere .
14 MANY of the craft and training organisations only provide training for our indigenous industries .
15 We would only need cover for centre-half and of course we have big — bad — jon for that !
16 He said my father can have it , he can do , have it , I only want money for my charity ,
17 " I only want bread-soda for Mrs Fox-Collier 's diamonds . "
18 All these setbacks did n't matter , old chap , because the referee only has eyes for the big boys .
19 But Wembley Stadium says it only has room for twenty fans in wheelchairs .
20 This time round they were told they would not be able to enter the National Federation of Meat Traders bi-annual sausage competition at Harrogate as one of the sponsors , the Meat and Livestock Commission , held that they only provided sponsorship for mainland competitors .
21 The purpose of these laws was not only to provide guidance for the day-to-day running of the Israelite community , but to teach how a holy God was to be worshipped by a holy people .
22 So now when our crews came back from their missions and we heard snatches of their conversations about long lines of refugees , about cities being devastated , and miles and miles of fires , I remembered Kings Cross and could only feel pity for what these civilians were now enduring ; French , Dutch , German or whatever .
23 Cos they only booked seats for the immediate family .
24 For such a plan not only allocates land for development but , as a consequence , distributes financial or environment costs and benefits .
25 The discovery of it outside the groups identified as apparent risks can only give cause for concern .
26 On another occasion , I would want to argue that , despite the problems , comparisons with the English system can only give ground for encouragement and that we should be thinking of extending the Scottish system beyond the age of 16 to include offenders under 21 .
27 The difficulty from the outset was that the Treasury would only give approval for mandatory awards for DipHE students if it had a two ‘ A ’ level entry .
28 He said , I 've only got eyes for one person .
29 Lastly some art societies only accept pictures for exhibition not less than 10×8 in .
30 The building not only accommodated schools for boys and girls , but also an art school and a soup kitchen ( later converted into a school-room ) .
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