Example sentences of "other [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 OTHER None of the above apply
2 What 's the other one down the bottom there ?
3 The matron had told him that they had removed one of my legs and were going to have the other one off the following day .
4 The other one of the , one of the things that people find very difficult , the learning all the words they expect you to know .
5 Not only is the passage which Husameddin quotes taken from the obituary section for the year 834 , but where Husameddin 's text apparently has ( " and he returned to his own land in Rajab of the year 834 " ) , every other one of the numerous manuscripts available , whether directly or indirectly through published texts or secondary sources , has ( " and he returned and died in his own land in the month of Rajab " ) .
6 Their table was in an area resembling a glass veranda , every other one of the large plate-glass windows slid back so that the mild night air , scented with flowers , wafted over them .
7 The two speakers were the man who heads the EC Office in Edinburgh ( who spoke and did not really touch the first and certainly not the second of his two advertised subjects on the programme ) and the other one of the law partners — who was informed and effective , so it was interesting , followed by wine and superb little sandwiches and canapes .
8 But the other one of the is a nine o'clock delivery in the morning you see so the rest of the load must be there you see .
9 I mean I can give you a little example erm I was once trying to add up a series of figures in the middle of an admissions exercise , and one of the other one of the men said to me ‘ oh , come on , you 're far too pretty to do mental arithmetic ’ and I completely lost my train of thought , I got rather confused .
10 And the other one with the carbonate what happened then ?
11 The other one with the five year guarantee was a five hundred to six
12 ‘ Not unless you put the other one on the overhead wire , ’ said the conductor .
13 The other one on the same site was a driver , a dumper driver , a different one I hasten to add
14 The the , the two the big window made like the other one on the other side and er , what else was erm oh , to have the heater serviced
15 and the other one on the left hand side about two , seven , five
16 And what was that other one about the
17 Well if you weigh that other one up the end one .
18 And then , as one of the children seized a pillow , and began batting the other one over the head , the second girl quickly retaliated .
19 Mr Wixom told The Art Newspaper there are a number of such works in German museums , but the only other one in the U.S. is in the Cleveland Museum of Art .
20 Er there 's another book which is similar to the other one in the sense that it made up of some papers by Phillips , Steel and Tants and that has some information about Mexicano in it , er and you find that some people er were giving Mexican language a low a low prestige rate whereas other group in the community were doing the opposite and giving a high prestige rate or certainly a less low one , er in favour of spanish a lot of the Because it was in I think it 's in South America I guess , er you find that a lot of the locals were switching to spanish because it was coming the dominant language er because of societal pressures and constraints and so on .
21 We could shove the other one in the wreck of the old car . ’
22 No I 've got the other one in the washing machine you got dirty .
23 No , but the other one in the auto paper , not the southern , there is a sixteen hundred Audi
24 There goes the other one out the back .
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