Example sentences of "did not go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Greeks did not go beyond that minimum of attention which their position demanded .
2 The Greeks did not react — or rather did not go beyond the surface of Roman life — until they found themselves faced with a first-class power which had defeated the Greek armies of Pyrrhus on the open field .
3 Over half did not go beyond 10 miles , and more than half of the remainder stayed within 20 .
4 Corbett did not go through Edinburgh but took the same route as he had earlier followed , skirting the city , plodding his way through marsh and bog till he reached the clean , white sanctity of the Abbey .
5 Revenues generated by this channel did not go through the joint venture , rather through Kam Circuits , which contributed to its good performance .
6 The black-market dollar , Brazil 's most nervous index , did not go through the roof .
7 You did not go through a religious ceremony with him . ’
8 Mr Burtt has asked my advice on payment of the enclosed invoice for £690 for an order raised by Mrs Gregory which did not go through the agreed procedures , and which exceeds the total amount available for all staff .
9 America 's first hostile bids did not go over the heads of the managers , but that did not make them friendly .
10 He did not go towards the study door because his mother , coming down the stairs , called , ‘ Who was that …
11 Worrell did not go on that tour , but when West Indies went to England in 1957 under Goddard he was annoyed that the vice-captaincy went to Clyde Walcott ; Worrell and Walcott , while friends , were never all that close , in fact , whereas Worrell and Weekes were .
12 They saw themselves as being responsible people who did not go on strike for trivial benefits such as a tea-break but , at the same time , also saw themselves as a little bit downtrodden , almost persecuted .
13 Hammond did not go on the Irish expedition of 1649 , but remained on active service ; unlike Fairfax , he took part in the pre-emptive invasion of Scotland the following year .
14 One study showed that about half of teenage mothers did not go to the antenatal clinic until the third or fourth month , almost one in five had waited until the fifth month of pregnancy , and a few did not go at all .
15 The interview did not go as the interview with MacQuillan 's mistress had gone and Rain was soon climbing ashore , silently cursing Crystal Daly 's gullibility .
16 However , Mrs Thatcher did not go into any detail about how the suggested British scheme for allowing different currencies to compete freely throughout the Community would necessarily produce the kind of central bank and co-ordinated monetary and economic policies which the others believe is essential .
17 Nails did not go into the shop but stood looking up the road .
18 They did not go into the forest or , at the most , only a hundred yards or so .
19 ‘ We did not go into that lightly , ’ says Mr Garner .
20 She did not go into details : that she found herself so physically revolted by the process that she had begun to retch , nor despite being warned that all new mothers had a fit of the blues after giving birth , she had been crying most of that day .
21 He did not go into further detail about the morality or legality of nuclear use or nuclear deterrence , partly no doubt because he favoured an effective world-wide prohibition on nuclear weapons production ( Spaight , 1947 , p. 218 ) and therefore hoped that such issues would not arise .
22 Coroner : ‘ It seems to me deplorable that you did not go into the workhouse . ’
23 I did not go into a perfect situation .
24 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
25 It is important to point out that the department did not go into this exercise " cold " .
26 ‘ But I did not go into the priory , if that is what you are asking , Clerk .
27 He did not go into the United Friendly office , where ex-girlfriend , Sandra Sturgiss , was working .
28 He did not go into the United Friendly office , where ex-girlfriend Sandra Sturgiss , was working , but staggered into a neighbouring office , ablaze from the waist upwards .
29 He did not go into the United Friendly office , where his ex-girlfriend , Sandra Sturgiss , was working .
30 ‘ We did not go into any financial discussions but obviously I am interested in signing him .
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