Example sentences of "did not just [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 For his coronation he did not just go to Aachen to be ‘ elected ’ king of the Franks in the old way , but dressed up in Frankish costume for the occasion .
2 The project did not just aim to find out children 's existing ideas .
3 Awareness of the distinction did not just disappear .
4 The conversion did not just affect the family transport .
5 These religious tensions go a long way towards explaining why the party divide cut so deep into society : political strife during the first age of party did not just affect the political elite at the centre and a minority of the more affluent and better-educated classes in the localities , but all sorts of people , including those of fairly humble backgrounds , women as well as men , were caught up in the party divide .
6 I did not just give up after one attempt .
7 You did not just give me my money for passing !
8 I believe that they are extant throughout Europe and that our ancient villages did not just grow up according to the ribbon development and river crossing theory of geography , but conform to a larger , geometric pattern .
9 By ‘ thought ’ Descartes did not just mean deliberation , or some strictly intellectual activity ; he took it to include other forms of consciousness , such as imagining and feeling .
10 They would walk in the dusk by the water , listening to the lapping of the tide against the boats , and there would be someone there , perhaps , whom she would understand , appeal to more than his usual friends , for she could do things like deal with electricity and mend things , and she had not always lived in England , that was interesting , and she did not just giggle and think about clothes , and he would find her a relief to talk to , this rather exceptional , different person , someone with imagination .
11 Furniture was the focus of interest but , according to John Hill , from Jeremy of the King 's Road , London , the Americans did not just want good examples of standard items , they wanted something different , with a gimmick or original style .
12 Clothes were irrelevant … only flesh mattered to her where Damian was concerned , because she did not just want the hard , ambitious chairman of the board , but the man of flesh and blood whom she loved more powerfully than she could put into words , and only the silent communication of their bodies allowed her to express that love …
13 I am sorry to say that the hon. Gentleman did not just stoop to the gutter in terms of smearing my hon. Friend : he used a series of inaccurate figures .
14 In the certificate the auditor did not just recite the clause : he specifically raised the methodology point .
15 However , as in Burma , the demobilised soldiers did not just return to civilian life : they formed a quasi-military organisation similar to the PVO , though on an ever larger scale , the People 's Security Organisation , Badan Keamanan Raykat ( BKR ) .
16 Most authoritative commentators on British politics in the period between the Reform Acts , 1832 and 1867 did not just describe and explain our politics .
17 These reflected a growing interest in church growth and a desire to find a way to grow the church which did not just find its expression in building bigger buildings .
18 The Crown Prosecution Service did not just consider whether a bare prima facie case was enough , but whether there was a proper chance of conviction on reliable evidence .
19 This did not just happen by itself .
20 Picking up tips did not just come in the form of money , for Dave learned enough to become a single-figure handicap golfer by 1967 .
21 ‘ I did not just hear ! ’ she retorted .
22 Do it again to make sure you did not just let go of the stick in fright !
23 Dexter distrusted the whole concept , fearing that Blanche did not just operate at the rational level of searching for evidence and reassembling facts , but that she so thought herself into the mind of murderer and victim , that she communed with spirits .
24 ( A famous actor interviewed recently on the radio said that , when he had learned his part in a play , he did not just know the words he had to say but where the new paragraphs came and when he had to turn the page of the script .
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