Example sentences of "did not [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had such queer desires to speak to her , to give her my flowers , to kiss her hand , but did not of course , partly from cowardice , partly because she , however innocent , would probably be afraid ; and the old man was there , too .
2 It soon became apparent that he had not only failed to read the book but had not even succeeded in struggling to the end of the blurb , though this did not of course stop him talking at length .
3 In doing so I did not of course mean to deny that sometimes immoral or unjust laws are not authoritatively binding .
4 Research did not of course point only in one direction as far as service innovations were concerned .
5 Adam Verne-Smith , unwinding in Puerto de la Cruz , did not of course see it .
6 It did not of course necessarily destroy the monarch 's power of choice .
7 Great houses did not of course cease to be built ; on the contrary , almost as many were erected in the nineteenth century as a whole as in the three centuries that preceded it put together .
8 Robert Kerr caused outrage in the mid-1860s by suggesting that the doctrine of three bedrooms ( stipulated in the 1840s when the blue books revealed a high incidence of incest ) should be abandoned ; but , though the moral problems did not of course vanish , his view came to be increasingly shared .
9 Popular movements did not of course remain outside the influence of market forces .
10 It did not of course escape Mommsen that there can hardly be a more foolish political speculation , " eine thorichtere politische Spekulation " , than to represent the Roman constitution as a mixed constitution and to derive from it the success of Rome ( Rom .
11 It did not of course reach the bowl of scummy water , dirty plastic debris and filthy rags and bits of wood on the balcony .
12 A change of citizenship did not of course imply a divorce from the old country .
13 Willpower often works — although it did not for Bailey McMahon , who found themselves on the receiving end of action by the Irish authorities .
14 The important finding which appears in Study 3 but which did not in Groeger and Chapman study is the tendency for subjects to rate the risky situations as significantly lower on normality but higher on speed .
15 As can be seen in Table III , children who recovered were similar to both groups of the children who did not in sex distribution , age at initial evaluation and onset of constipation , stool frequency , percentage of patients with stool withholding , history of urinary tract infection , and stool retention .
16 This approach became part of the negotiations with the teachers ' unions , who did not in principle object to appraisal , but wanted to ensure that they obtained good conditions of service and an adequate pay increase before agreeing to it .
17 In this writer 's view , Franco 's response showed that he understood it well enough , but behaved as though he did not in order to avoid direct confrontation with the Germans and , at the same time , to slow the war down .
18 The gifts of which evidence was given were in favour of the plaintiff 's children and in the circumstances did not in substance conflict … with his intention to benefit the plaintiff .
19 Moreover , although the Rules sprang from this conflict , they did not in terms go further than saying that persons in custody should not be questioned without first being cautioned .
20 Even so , the judges are hampered by the thought that they must not run counter to political trends , for example by implying a right to full compensation for the appropriation of property when a socialist legislature did not in terms provide for such compensation .
21 Competition for finance did not in theory exist , since the BBC 's licence fee was untouched by the new system .
22 By and large it does not , and it certainly did not in Margaret 's case : she merely laughed all the more , and sang the taunting hymns of her new faith , about how tyrants would be put down from their thrones and the humble and the meek raised up .
23 He did not in fact inherit the title until 1705 , but a love of hunting he certainly did .
24 Although by the terms of their appointment the Justices of the Forest were required to render an annual account at the Exchequer , they did not in fact do so .
25 It was with some surprise that Mr Popple , smoking a cigarette in the hospital reception , received the news that his wife did not in fact have an ulcer .
26 Shorts register civilian Tucano G-BULU below which would logically have meant an appearance at the SBAC show , but it did not in fact appear .
27 If we do pay attention to his thought we feel we are listening to a public orator of unimpeachably orthodox Christian principles , a Poet Laureate in training — he did not in fact attain this honour until the reign of Queen Victoria in 1843 .
28 They did not in fact achieve an interview that night .
29 I am not suggesting that my aunt 's remark served as some sort of trigger for my disease , because I did not in fact become anorexic until three or four years later .
30 The point was , however , that Cumberbatch and Bates had named a number of video-nasties that did not in fact exist , and yet the children claimed that they had seen them .
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