Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Taxi boss Dave Blyth said Derek did not give in without a fight .
2 The peregrine chased it for six miles , and even then the pigeon did not give in .
3 He drew her to him , so that her head was near his waist , in a stiff sort of way because she did not give in to the embrace .
4 However , a Kuwaiti official told reporters that the talks had collapsed " because Kuwait did not give in to Iraqi demands to write off debts and to relinquish some of its territory " .
5 At a meeting in the Ulster Hall , he insisted that if the RUC did not go in and remove the offensive flag , then he would do it himself .
6 Parker did not go in for German beer .
7 He did not go in to see his mother , but went upstairs and lay face down on his bed .
8 And when , to show what a good little wife I had become — Nonni thought that my aunts did not ‘ appreciate ’ me , meaning that they did not go in for endearments or tell me how pretty I looked — she pointed out , one Sunday lunchtime , how well I had starched the table napkins , Aunt Lilian said , ‘ But why ?
9 We were not at a party , he did not go in for brunettes , and I was very much his junior .
10 But although she could no longer see anything , she could swear that the star stopped on the edge of the hole and did not go in !
11 It did not go in . ’
12 Even when I arrived back at Thornfield , I did not go in for a while .
13 Andrew said : ‘ Everybody had to go through a medical before the show and if they were not up to it , they did not go in — we had to be very careful because of their health and safety . ’
14 ‘ Many … had a complete ban and had been no-smoking from the start because they perceived that smoking did not fit in with their ethos — Boots , for example , or the Body Shop . ’
15 Where such arguments did not fit in with the overarching themes of race , violence and disorder , and social deprivation they were either sidelined or pushed into the sub-clauses of official reports .
16 Finch , in a study of preschool playgroups , found that for working class women self help was illusory , because taking turns in looking after other people 's children did not fit in with their life styles or with their aspirations .
17 Despite heavy traffic , it did not fit in with British Railway 's policy , and also it suffered from Union intransigency. tickets were printed by the NER and its successors , and followed their standard designs .
18 He and Jenny were sufficient for each other ; they did not want a third person , especially a person whose tastes were so dissimilar and who did not fit in with their lives or their friends .
19 When Mr Bernard Corker , who owns the business , applied for retrospective planning permission the council refused on the grounds that it was too noisy , conflicted with proposed parking standards and did not fit in with the character of the residential area .
20 A Scottish Office spokesman said changes have taken place in the health service since 1989 and the previous plan did not fit in with the present set-up of purchasers and providers .
21 Others who are familiar with intimate details of the case , such as Peter Hill , producer of two BBC Rough Justice programmes on the case in the mid-Eighties , believe Beattie is the victim of suppressed forensic reports which did not fit in with the police view , particularly that of the man leading the investigation , Chief Supt William Muncie .
22 The hold of the state and party ‘ did not extend in to every family ’ and some sections of society ‘ maintained a certain autonomy ’ .
23 Significantly , Koch 's principal helmsman , Melges , did not race in yesterday 's match between the syndicate 's boats .
24 The commissioner confirmed the assessments , but the Board of Review allowed the taxpayer 's appeal , holding that those profits did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong .
25 and Kaplan J. ) [ 1991 ] 2 H.K.L.R. 215 given on 15 March 1991 allowing an appeal by the taxpayer , HK-TVB International Ltd. , from the order of Godfrey J. made on 9 April 1990 in the High Court whereby he had allowed an appeal by the commissioner by way of case stated from the decision of the Board of Review that the relevant profits for the years of assessment 1980–81 to 1983–84 inclusive did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong from a trade or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
26 The question of law for the opinion of the High Court stated by the Board of Review was whether , on the facts agreed and proved , the relevant profits for the years of assessment in question did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong from a trade or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
27 Godfrey J. answered the question by concluding that the Board of Review were incorrect in law in holding that the relevant profits did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong .
28 This Board rejected both these submissions and held that the profits did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong .
29 In the Hang Seng Bank case [ 1991 ] 1 A.C. 206 the two transactions which threw up the profit , namely the purchase and resale of the certificates of deposit , both took place outside Hong Kong and this Board held that the profits did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong , notwithstanding the fact that all the instructions to buy and sell originated in Hong Kong and that there was no independent branch office interposed between the head office in Hong Kong and the following transactions .
30 But cash from the sale of licensed goods , cosmetics , sunglasses and perfume like C'est La Vie , did not flood in and the company has never made a profit .
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