Example sentences of "did [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The lines that radiated from their corners did nothing to detract from their brilliance , but in some curious way made her look approachable , despite her immense style .
2 This mixture of sizes did nothing to detract from the overall beauty of the place ; rather they gave interest , drawing the eye to different shapes and heights .
3 The slight pallor beneath his tan and the white bandage high on his left arm did nothing to detract from the air of menace about him .
4 If I regurgitate this , it is simply to put down a vote of censure from this column on ministers , particularly Douglas Hogg of the Foreign Office , who did nothing to prepare for the eventuality of oil slicks .
5 The men fled and did nothing to help save the girls , he added .
6 Before long Gaveston was given the hitherto exclusively royal title of earl of Cornwall , an affront to the established councillors and nobility which he did nothing to palliate by his swaggering arrogance , especially at Edward 's coronation in which he played a leading role ; just as outrageous were the lands and revenues which went with titles , office and power .
7 ( Or were some people very quiet ? ) 4 Did people listen to what other people were saying ? 5 Did everyone understand clearly what they had to do ? 6 How did the group agree on its answer ? 7 How did everyone feel about the answer that was agreed ? 8 Was it an equal group , or did someone act as a boss ?
8 Where did everyone go for lunch ?
9 Did yours ask about ?
10 The next morning , as I heard the story from Howard Samuel 's wife , Howard had remarked to her , ‘ Did someone telephone during the night ? ’
11 ( Or were some people very quiet ? ) 4 Did people listen to what other people were saying ? 5 Did everyone understand clearly what they had to do ? 6 How did the group agree on its answer ? 7 How did everyone feel about the answer that was agreed ? 8 Was it an equal group , or did someone act as a boss ?
12 Did someone ask for a left hand circuit ? ’ she asked her student .
13 So how did I arrive at this mix ?
14 The big boys tried to make me feel at home by taking me to the greasy spoon for a pie but what did I care for food as the table rang with drug quips and acerbic one-liners about Danielle Dax from Gavin Martin , James Brown and Danny Kelly .
15 ‘ And what did I do to that sculpture of flesh ? ’
16 What did I do for tea ?
17 What did I do with the car keys ?
18 What did I do with that ashtray ?
19 Go and collect my prizes What did I do with the bloody tickets now ?
20 What did I do with my glasses Brenda ?
21 What did I do with it ?
22 What did I do with that ticket mum ?
23 What did I do with it ?
24 What did I do with it ?
25 What did I do with the scissors ?
26 so she just had the rice and an egg with it and Gemma had about three pasties and I had stuffed tomatoes with rice and erm , what did I do with , I done rata , ratatouille and
27 yeah what did I do with
28 Well no what did I do with that one for erm Ian and Diane ?
29 I 'm trying to work out like what did I what did I do with my erm schedule this morning ?
30 What did I do with it ?
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