Example sentences of "did [adv] want to " in BNC.

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1 Cameron did not want to be asked this .
2 Eliot , distressed , wrote to Wilson and to another of his champions , Gilbert Seldes , protesting that he did not want to be praised at Pound 's expense since be was indebted to Pound ( as indeed his dedication to Pound as il miglior fabbro had elegantly acknowledged ) .
3 Thompson did not know the details then because he did not want to .
4 Still — ‘ I did not see him again and I did not want to ’ .
5 Maggie did not want to be a crazy person .
6 Desiring to flaunt his new found riches he did not want to be seen owning the house which lies behind — a rambling hotchpotch of roof lines and gables which evolved over centuries .
7 For native English speakers I would give a quite different kind of lecture , and I did not want to be judged by the standards of my lectures to the Japanese , which were nearly always basic and very simple in expression .
8 I did not want to ‘ talk about it ’ .
9 All day long he insisted that they already knew who the fellow-Communists of his branch had been in the Forties and that he did not want to ‘ crawl through the mud for no purpose ’ .
10 He did not want to be small .
11 Reports from the Wehrmacht ‘ Armaments Inspectorates ’ claimed that workers on reserved occupations in armaments factories did not want to be left out of the army and were pressing to join up .
12 He took the part with manifest reluctance ; he did not want to be recognized by Ghorbanifar .
13 And then it got to the stage when I did not want to , ’ she is alleged to have said .
14 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
15 They did not want to be bothered with her joys and despairs and she did not want to be bothered with theirs .
16 They did not want to be bothered with her joys and despairs and she did not want to be bothered with theirs .
17 She did not want to be rude to him .
18 The petty officers said men of 72 nationalities were serving on the Red Crimea as ‘ one big happy family ’ and they did not want to be split up .
19 That they did not want to be wage slaves in a factory .
20 Dupea did not want to be tied down by anything or anyone — which seemed Nicholson 's own philosophy — and he wanted above all to keep on the move .
21 But he did not want to .
22 There seemed to be nothing else nowadays , and in any case Roland did not want to be thought insular .
23 She did not want to be evil with Ryan either , but fortunately , Ryan understood all that .
24 Gedge can not remember a time when he did not want to be in a pop group .
25 ‘ They told us the Ukrainian single would have gone to number one and we told them we did not want to be number one .
26 The band were still distressed at the demise because their working relationship had been excellent and they had built up good friendships with the staff , and did not want to seen them lose their jobs .
27 The third case was impossible to assess , for Mrs Kitchener 's daughter did not want to be interviewed again , but the development officer 's account at a time when Mrs Kitchener had been known to the project for about a year gives some indication of the situation :
28 When he was asked why he himself did not become one , he replied that all men wanted to be Senators but he did not ; he did not want to be the same as other men who were as the uncoloured cloth of the Toga but he wished to be the red , that small and brilliant portion which causes the rest to be comely and beautiful .
29 He had locked himself in as he did not want to be disturbed by Emily .
30 He did not want to be around when they told him ; he had enough to do without becoming involved in a domestic squabble .
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