Example sentences of "did [adv] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Too many local authorities used the changeover to milk people of money that they did not have through bills that they could not have anticipated and therefore provided for .
2 As the first years passed , and the courses of lectures did not have to be prepared out of nothing , he sat at the bay window in the sub-warden 's study , looking out towards the cathedral , and started to write his first book .
3 But the basic discovery of the Detroit mentality was that a design did not have to be better engineered , more functional or more beautiful than what was already on the market in order to outsell it ; it just had to be newer .
4 Perhaps this expedition did not have to be a total waste .
5 But suddenly , social life and entertainment , or the lack of it , faded into insignificance for me , with the arrival from North Africa of a mysterious and rather unsubtly coded letter which one did not have to be a cryptanalyst to interpret as evidence that Leslie was coming home .
6 This model did not have to be of the same sex .
7 Apart from accuracy and price , what set the Polar apart was that , unlike the other portable meters , the runner did not have to be wired up with unsightly cables leading from the electrodes attached to the chest .
8 As for the medical practitioner before the discovery of antibiotics , what did not exist did not have to be taken into account .
9 ’ One did not have to be a political commentator or a student of politics to know that Hitler was not just a psychopath .
10 Money borrowed from a pawnbroker did not have to be repaid for fifteen months .
11 His debt did not have to be less than £20 ; it could be for any amount .
12 ‘ At least the race was completed and did not have to be declared void , ’ Arkwright added .
13 It did not have to be on a vast scale , dazzling or absolute .
14 You did not have to be one — but it helped .
15 But Britain did not have to be part of that unity ; it could only be associated with it .
16 But , cheer up , the work did not have to be too hard .
17 This one simple example had shown the woman in question , and the group , that people could change and did not have to be slaves to their anxiety .
18 A genuine grievance did not have to be financial .
19 By contrast , in the same case it was held that once the council had decided that the applicant was entitled to be housed , the right to be housed was a private law right which did not have to be enforced by AJR procedure , but could be enforced in a tort action for breach of statutory duty in the County Court .
20 Some parts of the switchgear worked well , such as the forward/reverse toggle , with FWD and REV etched on the sides of the body so the drill did not have to be constantly turned upside down .
21 The BUF set up the January Club , a social and intellectual front whose members did not have to be Fascist and who were addressed by Joyce in his calmer tones .
22 In one version of the mental test the prices of items bought were printed on the answer sheet so that they did not have to be memorized : in an alternative version the prices were not printed so that it was necessary both to memorize the numbers and operate on them .
23 It was easier to mine in for two reasons : firstly , if you mined the stone , massive amounts of earth did not have to be shifted before the stone could be got at , and secondly , the men of Swaledale and Wensleydale , many of them experienced lead-miners , had all the knowledge and expertise necessary to dig stone from the mine , and furthermore labour was plentiful because of the decline of the lead industry .
24 Pindar 's poetry , celebrating the values of old aristocratic Greece , did not have to be adapted much for west Greek consumption .
25 Others were that ‘ need ’ as opposed to ‘ reasonable requirement ’ did not have to be shown , that the case for making an order against an officer of the company was stronger than it would be against a third party , that an order for oral examination ( as in Cloverbay itself ) was likely to be more oppressive than an order for the production of documents .
26 In each case it had in effect been ruled that Gen Robertson 's order of 14 May would apply , and that 5 Corps could continue with arrangements already entered into hand over both Cossacks and Yugoslavs but only in each case , so lob as force did not have to be used .
27 Yet , in truth , he did not have to play-act .
28 It was a cake you never got in England , because there the milk did not have to be boiled and so you could never collect a bowlful of creamy skin from successive goes .
29 It was held by Lords Hailsham , Cross and Fraser , with Lords Simon and Edmund-Davies dissenting , that there can be no conviction for rape where a man honestly believes that a woman consents to sexual intercourse and that his belief did not have to be reasonable .
30 Still it was not vital and buckles , buttons , thimbles , locks , tobacco boxes , wire , nails et al , did not have to be of brass or copper , though employees in the related industries assumed considerable numbers .
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