Example sentences of "well have have a " in BNC.

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1 This close association of Church and Party may well have had a cost to the Church in limiting recruitment to people who are not committed supporters of the Official Unionist Party but , given that the DUP support is twenty times the size of the Free Church and that there is a large uncommitted population , this is probably not something which explains why more people do not join the Free Church .
2 If you had your baby at BMH , you may well have had a leaflet left on your bed by Birmingham West branch .
3 The increase in this woodland may well have had a beneficial effect on the Woodcock and has provided the increasing breeding Redpoll population with an abundance of habitat .
4 The conductor William Llewellyn may well have had a few sleepless nights but must have been proud of his singers .
5 Soon , however , a new controversy arose when it seemed to some zoologists and paleontologists that even the large dinosaurs could very well have had a high running speed , at least as high as an equivalent sized modern mammal .
6 The recriminations and angst of an unhappy marriage that reverberated through my head could well have had a self-destructive influence in that lonely , haunting valley and finished me off for good , no doubt .
7 Like Julian , perhaps , Teresa also had an illness that may well have had a psychological aspect and which brought her to the brink of death ; her autobiography and spiritual writings show how she brought herself a physical and spiritual healing .
8 Nonetheless , he may well have had a guilty conscience : he certainly tried to use his influence to poison Mozart 's career , out of sheer jealousy at the younger man 's superior talents ; but he does not seem to have been directly involved in his death .
9 They might as well have had a rope round his ankle .
10 I think that you might call Duff Hart-Davis a travel writer too , at least by osmosis , since his godfather was if I remember rightly Peter Fleming , who might well have had a stern word or two to say about Mrs Izzard 's book .
11 This may well have had a bearing on Washington 's decision later in the year to send out the hostage intelligence team , headed by Major Charles McKee of the DIA , who died in the bombing of Flight 103 .
12 Indeed , the loss of the Asmar network 's continuing surveillance of NARCOG 's operations in Lebanon may well have had a bearing on the bombing itself .
13 The flock are unlikely to have been as completely innocent as the latter suggests , and their guilt may well have had a secular aspect , for it might be doubted whether Cnut would have become involved with spiritual shortcomings .
14 Had it been otherwise the battle might well have had a different outcome .
15 She yeah , that 's her her nickname , cos she was quite big and she played the nurse in Romeo and Juliet in the season on Stratford on Avon and she did it using a Welsh accent because she thought Shakespeare , having coming from quite near the Welsh Border Country might well have had might well have had a Welsh nurse .
16 She yeah , that 's her her nickname , cos she was quite big and she played the nurse in Romeo and Juliet in the season on Stratford on Avon and she did it using a Welsh accent because she thought Shakespeare , having coming from quite near the Welsh Border Country might well have had might well have had a Welsh nurse .
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