Example sentences of "well as to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have aimed to answer all the questions usually asked ( and a few more besides ) , but do remember that , whichever hypnotherapist you consult , he or she should be quite willing to do precisely the same for you and to put your mind at rest about anything else which may be troubling you with regard to regression therapy as well as to hypnosis itself .
2 More controversially he outlawed Thakin Soe 's Communist party because of its armed threat to government as well as to rice production in the Delta districts .
3 Attention to surveillance and the rational use of primary and secondary resources are still needed , but as we try to add ‘ quality to quantity ’ we may need to look to social science as well as to epidemiology .
4 5.9.5 On a permitted assignment to a private limited company and if the Landlord shall reasonably so require to procure that a guarantor or guarantors reasonably acceptable to the Landlord enter into direct covenants with the Landlord in the form of the Guarantor 's covenant contained in this Lease with " the Assignee " substituted for " the Tenant " There are various matters to be considered in connection with a permitted underlease ( not the least of which being as to whether the tenant should be allowed to underlet part or parts of the premises as well as to whole ) , eg : ( 1 ) In respect of any permitted underlease it is better to remove reference to the landlord 's approval of the rent reserved by it , and if possible ( particularly in a falling market ) to remove reference to the rent being no less than the passing rent under the lease , although the landlord will normally object to this on the basis that a low underlease rent could be used as a comparable on any subsequent rent review under the lease .
5 Recent public expenditure White Papers have allowed an annual 2 per cent for such changes as well as to take account of the increased costs of technological progress , but the adequacy of this allowance is in doubt .
6 Why not be fair to the reader as well as to Popper ?
7 Both parents may also be coping with the doubts and identity crises which are common to midlife as well as to adolescence .
8 Recent causes for concern had related both to frequent revisions of figures as well as to integrity issues .
9 Yassin , arrested in May 1989 , had confessed to founding and directing a hostile organization , as well as to homicide , incitement and the possession of firearms .
10 News stories overlapped : morning paper headlines took account of the previous evening 's radio and TV stories , and the electronic media picked up items from the daily press ( all these developments , indeed , applied to radio as well as to TV ) .
11 A typical exhibit , Thomas Kapielsky 's witty ‘ Käseplatte ’ is an object the size and shape of a record ( platte ) which also looks like a section of a round cheese ( Käse ) ; but the thing visualises at the same time an untranslatable German pun ( while ‘ Käseplatte ’ is normally a selection of cheeses in a restaurant , ‘ Käse ’ is also colloquial for crap which can of course refer to music as well as to art … ) .
12 Among the Celtic peoples of temperate Europe it was applied to La Tène bronze safety-pins and torcs as well as to prestige objects such as bronze wine flagons .
13 Scholars such as Giddings , Cooley , Mead , Thomas and Znanieki are often considered as contributors to some of the basic ideas of social psychology as well as to sociology .
14 So the expansion programme has to be linked to our building capacity as well as to student demand and national need .
15 Suppose on the other hand that as a thoroughly loyal supporter of the Fruity Party I give all of my first three preferences to all of its three candidates — to Cherry as well as to Apple and Banana .
16 Nucleocapsid protein from MoMuLV , AMV and rous sarcoma virus have been shown to bind to DNA as well as to RNA and tRNA ( 12 , 14–16 ) .
17 The primary purpose of this study was to determine from available materials for developing and developed countries the conditions of childbearing that are most favourable to viability of the offspring as well as to infant , childhood and maternal health and well-being as indicated by the minimum mortality and maximum survival chances of children through age five and minimum morbidity and mortality among women as a result of the process of childbearing .
18 Social work with young people in the transition to or in search of alternatives to employment is one specific task singled out ( s. 13 ) and makes reference to material provision ( accommodation ) as well as to counselling and advice .
19 In summary , in addition to previously described erythroid specific , T cell specific , macrophage specific LCRs , we have provided evidence in this paper for a putative Locus Control Region for the class II MHC , which would allow specific expression of genes to cells of the B cell lineage , as well as to cell types where class II can be expressed .
20 So now the Government Commission has rivals literally on either side of it ; it is outflanked to left as well as to right .
21 Pretreatment of HT-29 cells with monoclonal antibodies against α 1 or Β 1 significantly inhibited cell adhesion to type IV collagen , indicating that HT-29 adhesion to the basement membrane component type IV collagen as well as to laminin is mediated by Β 1 containing integrins .
22 Did those words imply a halt to recruiting and training guerrillas , as well as to shooting and bombing ?
23 The papers by Christoph Sauer and Kiernan Ryan are both concerned with the way in which language can be used to influence people 's conceptions of themselves and of the socio-political environment they live in , as well as to condition and constrain their behaviour .
24 The first of that name , a Cardington-born brewer of porter , and a Member of Parliament , had lost his seat there in 1790 , and was succeeded by his son , who showed little interest in the family business and devoted his considerable talents to work of philanthropy and reform , as well as to patronage of the arts .
25 Oh , and you 'd better apologise to her , as well as to father , for insulting her .
26 In the entire language of proscribed words , from slang to profanity , from the mildly unclean to the utterly obscene , including terms relating to concealed parts of the body , to excretion and excrement as well as to sexuality , one word reigns supreme , unchallenged in its pre-eminence .
27 Secondly , the licensing obligations of regional electricity companies apply to power that they buy from their affiliates as well as to power that they buy from other people .
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