Example sentences of "well [be] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Reaction-diffusion could well be the way they arise in development .
2 So the highly defined agenda of a festival such as this may well be the way forward for gay men who 've long been marginalised and denied fair access to the media .
3 There can be no question of seeking , simply as such , to preserve the status quo , although on particular facts that may well be the court 's objective as being in the best interests of the infant .
4 This year it could well be the turn of the talented nine year old whose main target has been glory at Aintree .
5 This year may well be the year in which British soul 's new generation emerges after a decade dominated by the synthetic beats of hip-hop and house .
6 It may well be the case that an egregious idiocy has formed the basis of a political tradition — examples of this are plentiful — but ridiculing an historical phenomenon does not explain it .
7 The honest response is , yes , that may well be the case .
8 It may well be the case that a social system organized by women would be wonderful , that there would be no war because we would n't have our children killed , that there would be communes and free child care and no VAT on sanitary protection … but how would we ever know ?
9 If , as may well be the case , there is variation within one of these categories , that variation is without meaning .
10 And devolution might be less effective than it should be if , as could well be the case in Scotland for example , the support for one particular party was such that there was very little likelihood of a change of control at elections .
11 It could also well be the case that to allege that sponsorship and consultancy are permitted because they offer a lucrative source of additional income would be a contempt .
12 This might well be the case but does not by itself establish a logical necessity for legislative omnicompetence for Parliament .
13 This might well be the case , but it still does not answer the question whether it can be said that there is no morality without religion .
14 It may well be the case , as Struan says , that Beethoven displays more artistic merit than Struan , but if Struan 's music uses overdriven guitars , I may well prefer to listen to it .
15 One of the purposes of an extended period of single-sex science teaching might be to let teachers see how girls approach scientific matters , and to discover , what may well be the case , that girls are just as capable of ‘ scientific thinking ’ as boys .
16 Whilst there is wide agreement that investment is a necessary condition of economic growth and that within fairly wide margins higher levels of performance require higher levels of investment , the direction of this relationship can not be conclusively demonstrated ; it may well be the case that the two occur together .
17 It may well be the case , however , that to some degree fear of political change does inhibit civil servants , so that in order to ensure continuity they will only promote policies which they judge both major parties will accept .
18 It may well be the case — as some commentators have observed , perhaps unduly cynically — that the economic and political situation in 1979 was such that it mattered little what the government tried to control as long as they showed determination and resolve to control something ; the money supply happened to be both a convenient and a relevant variable at that time .
19 Although this might well be the case , other explanations need to be considered .
20 This may well be the case , but it leaves one with an increased sense of respect for Eric Shipton and his companions who , in 1929 , made each of the first three Nelion-Batian traverses ( up and down by what is now regarded as the Normal Route ) , in one day .
21 It may well be the case that Freud lost some of his earlier desire to see psychoanalysis help to achieve sexual reform .
22 It may well be the case that both lack of familiarity with this type of question and lack of practical experience in measurement of everyday objects are factors leading to low success rates .
23 It may well be the case that with regard to many people unlawfully at large this should be regarded as ‘ hot pursuit , ’ but the approach of the Court when faced with a patient absconder allows a choice of methods to be adopted .
24 In the result , although I have considerable sympathy with the third party in the position in which he finds himself and I think it may well be the case that the third defendant will fail to obtain contribution from him , I do not consider that this will inevitably be so .
25 It may well be the case that the very concept of adjudication as applied to disputes between private individuals will have to be modified in its application to litigation involving public bodies .
26 It may well be the case that the courts feel less inclined to intervene in relation to matters which are purely factual , but the juridical basis of intervention was never premised upon the need to distinguish between law and fact .
27 There is no necessary connection between community activism and progressive or radical politics : indeed , quite the reverse may well be the case , as is to be expected in a predominantly conservative society ( cf. working-class racism ) .
28 If it is not renewed , which may well be the case , the products which it now covers will then fall under the general rules of the EEC Treaty .
29 It may well be the case that we should have had more staff but I willingly accept that the tenfold increase in the number arriving has overwhelmed our resources .
30 Positive action rather than positive discrimination is the approach , and that , these are targets not erm , contracts , and if after four to eight years , it may well be the case that women have been taken on and have left and at the end of the time , that there there is no woman chartered engineer .
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