Example sentences of "well [subord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 With cooler air , more cloud , and so less sunshine , even grass grows less well than on the lowlands .
2 In the event , however , Labour actually suffered a swing against it compared with 1986 , lost a net total of 20 seats and , in some boroughs , even performed less well than at the 1987 general election .
3 There may also be changes in performance , with some schools doing better and others less well than in the past .
4 Well if through the winter months when there 's no fire in there , no nothing in there the damp is bound to be coming through there .
5 ‘ I decided that was the job that appealed and it 's just as well because at the interview I talked myself out of the other jobs by being so keen on the post office . ’
6 Eurodisney and its advisers , SG Warburg , can feel confident that the issue will go well because of the interest already shown in France , where half the £607m of shares will be issued .
7 Prof King predicts that those crossbreds will perform well because of the Norwegian selection procedure .
8 They are particularly concerned with factors which lead to individuals wanting to do jobs well because of the intrinsic satisfaction from doing the work .
9 That has now changed Eastern arts no longer support the gallery now one obvious reason for that is the gallery started so well because of the enthusiasm from a number of professional people who came along and gave their advice and much of their time and such a body of people has not been called upon for a number of years now and once again a request to discuss this with Mr was refused .
10 Posters also teach young people how to develop a sense of erm they also make life much more fun more interesting and erm this is great contrast with Harlow and an urban area like Greater London area where as the report by erm in er the report the report on observation in London you know did n't mention the fact that publicity is of course is much more much greater than the London area erm and erm er one thing I see is missing could er er the reason is we found er the film society we ca n't advertise our events very well because of the restrictive bylaws on advertising poster advertising in Harlow I wonder if something could be done about this ?
11 Er it 's a little bit vague , is fitness for purpose , but it fits in with I S O Nine Thousand quite well because of the con of another little concept .
12 We both knew only too well because of the business we were in and the sort of people we were what could happen . ’
13 The prophet Habbakuk expressed this truth very well when under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he wrote concerning God ‘ Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity . ’
14 Exploring ideas of motherhood can plunge us right into the heart of mystical philosophy as well as into the practical world of child rearing .
15 The schools were blamed for this and new courses — such as TVEI ( Technical and Vocational Educational Initiative ) and CPVE ( Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education ) — were introduced into schools themselves as well as into the gap between school and work .
16 Regions of sequence similarity exceed beyond the very conserved core into the helices P4 , P6 , P8 and P9.1 as well as into the loops of P7.1 and P9.2 .
17 His chanting put fear into the hearts of the listening families as well as into the mind of the old and dying man who was his father .
18 And now , European companies are realising that negotiating skills are essential to ALL aspects of executive decision making — both within as well as outside the company .
19 But with business concluded , the convention changes gear and , from Thursday on , everyone is in full motley and a gigantic free-wheeling circus takes over the town , with clowns doing their stuff along the esplanade , at the railway station , on the buses , in the streets , pubs , restaurants and takeaways , as well as under the big top and in the conference centre .
20 And there are still traces of mud at the sides as well as under the left heel .
21 If the contract is cancellable under the Consumer Credit Act as well as under the Regulations , it is only the provisions of the former with which he must comply — i.e. provisions as to giving the customer notice of his cancellation rights .
22 The effectiveness of that is not just to make Ransom 's struggle real , but also to demonstrate the metaphysical excitement of all moral choices , on the silent planet as well as beyond the music of the spheres .
23 The tape measure had now to go down into the hollow as well as across the circle , and it was not long enough to do this .
24 Oystercatchers are rarely noted away from the coast , but have been recorded on occasions on flooded levels as well as at the reservoirs .
25 In future it is hoped that information will be posted at the nearest car parks , as well as at the crag , allowing for a change of plan before walking to the climbs !
26 Director Tay Garnett took Beery aside and pointed out that Rooney was loved by everyone on the set as well as at the studio , and it would be ‘ most unfortunate if someone decided to part your hair with a sun arc .
27 Halmo Sports of Camberley ( ) , which offers the prestigious Plexipave and Plexicushion type of acrylic surfaces , have also laid courts at Bisham Abbey , as well as at the Nottingham Tennis Centre , Sunderland and Batchwood ITI Centres , and Centrecourt Hotel and Tennis Centre .
28 Future versions of the Alpha will be made at the plant as well as at the one in South Queensferry , Scotland .
29 The rules contain no provision about standing at the hearing stage , but the basic test of sufficient interest appears to apply at the hearing stage as well as at the leave stage .
30 At each stage — prior to drafting as well as at the end of each stage of drafting — teachers confer with pupils .
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