Example sentences of "now with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now with the recent arrival of detachments from his old Group on Malta , he arrived with a directive that his main task was to organise the offensive against the Axis supply shipping plying between Europe and Africa .
2 C : I think that there 's some hope now with the Labour party because they 've — um — compromised themselves politically so far that they would n't …
3 Well I have to say straight away that I 've erm worked on a Council with the Labour Party in opposition with us , and now with the Labour Party in Government with us with us a very small group , and I have to say it 's much preferable to have the Labour Party in power than to have the Conservative Party in power as far as we 're concerned , because at local level the sort of things that we want to do — providing better services , caring of people , all those sort of things — we do n't disagree .
4 Now with the international release of the film starring Liza Minnelli , Julie Walters and Shelley Winters to rave reviews , STEPPING OUT is set to become a firm favourite with theatre and film lovers everywhere .
5 Is it , now with the two nurses there ?
6 She looked out of the window and saw the brown strip of plough , and then the line of willows marking the river , and then the green slopes rising , dotted now with the first sheep of the year .
7 Well they ca n't afford it now with the new poll ta , er or the cou , no the poll tax is n't it , the next one ?
8 Now with the new proposals , unless the government actually increase our grant and we can increase the number of customers we have , we would n't be able to see the people who really needed to see us very often .
9 But Adam ignored her , glancing round at Fand , who approached now with the other Women .
10 I think it 's because she 's got a little pal now with the other
11 now with the other one .
12 But now with the sporting action from the weekend , here 's Tim Russon .
13 The trees were green now with the tender leaves of May , yet when first she knew Rob those trees had been silvered by February frosts .
14 Now with the best will in the world , there is no way that that fellow could get this other party to change .
15 And now with the extra money , making it possible to take out smaller mortgages on apartments for letting on the East Side , they were already doing well … .
16 His hands which had clasped her so tightly eased their pressure , holding her now with the gentle touch of a friend .
17 It 's now with the Gedling dog warden that one .
18 They can nae do it now with the rolled bays Great rolled bales of hay they have now .
19 Now with the older West Indian people we would have you know , a passing sort of conversations and I know a couple of them came to help to get me to help them to fill in D H S S forms and things like that .
20 The once busy shed , now with the skeletal , unclad girders of its roof standing stark against the darkening sky , was just a ghost of its former self .
21 Now with the dermatological products , I actually have n't bought those with me apart from those that we 're going to use as a demo erm , the have a very nice cleanser called special cleansing gel , and if you 're used to using soap and water it really is very similar to using soap .
22 This same process has continued down to the present , now with the next generation of Hirmers , Albert and Irmgard , supplying many new plates , especially of the recently restored churches at Wies and Dießen .
23 What have the citizens done now with the old port and its quays ?
24 He stays behind now with the old men , women and children while the rest of the village puts to sea for nine months . "
25 In all of this there existed an air of the cottage industry , with an informality that , consciously or not , took its measure from the example of its chairman , who continued to live and work — now with the added impedimenta of potties and baby-gates — on a houseboat on the Regents Canal ; who drove a second-hand Volvo ; and who had not long come into possession of a washing-machine .
26 Passionate about both printmaking and Goya , Harris built up his own collection of the four Goya print series : Los Caprichos , Los Desastres de la Guerra , La Tauromaquia and Los Proverbios , now with the British Museum .
27 Especially now with the single payments being cut back so drastically .
28 Though he had gone through the motions of caring she saw now with the painful wisdom of hindsight that , despite all his assurances of love and respect for her , he had really only been interested in his own pleasure , pursuing it with all the subtlety of a bulldozer .
29 For some time I had wanted to move further from London with its many social distractions , and now with the half million words of notes I had brought back with me from my world tour waiting to be distilled into a book , I felt the need more than ever .
30 And now with the national classified results , here 's Jerome Sale .
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