Example sentences of "now [verb] much [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One supplier of this type of boarding , Caradon Celuform , now offers much more than just a maintenancefree material .
2 The spread of ideas and aspirations among literate and mobile populations is now given much more prominence as the key characteristic of ‘ modernization ’ which can explain fertility decline ( Banks 1981 , Cleland 1985 , Cleland and Hobcraft 1987 , Cleland and Wilson 1987 ) .
3 Although we may now know much more about the chemistry of the human brain , our capacity for thought has probably not changed much over the past five thousand years .
4 The two girls were now paying much more attention to their new found friends than to their original escorts .
5 We now know much more about surviving hunters and gatherers than was known in Morgan 's day and , although sexual unions among them may in some cases be very unstable , in others they are not .
6 We now know much more about designing curriculums and about methods of selecting , teaching , and assessing students than before .
7 As a result we now know much more about the beginnings of towns in England as well as about their growth at all periods .
8 I found that I gained a lot of strength from all this regular correspondence with people and , four years on , I now feel much more myself again , although of course I still miss my husband tremendously .
9 There will be millions of losers who live in high-price property who enjoyed the poll tax but will now pay much more under the council tax .
10 The study of non-verbal communication or body language is now receiving much more attention and the term ‘ kine ’ has been adopted for each ‘ unit ’ of body movement which transmits a message .
11 We now have much less than our minimum protection threshold .
12 Team members now have much more involvement in the running of their work places .
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