Example sentences of "now [verb] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 A 19 year old man is now helping police with their inquiries .
2 A twenty year old man is now helping police with their enquiries .
3 Today most oriental rugs — whether from Pakistan , India or the Balkans — are based on Persian designs , and even China , with its own ancient and unique heritage , is now producing rugs with Persian schemes .
4 Some manufacturers are now producing juices with no artificial preservatives or added sugar — delicious and lower in calories too .
5 He can now make contact with the rock spirits in a friendly and positive manner , being guided to new cup-and-ring marks , some hidden 6in ( 15cm ) below the turf .
6 Beatles Paul McCartney and George Harrison are 50 and 49 , and the Rolling Stones are now gathering moss with Mick Jagger at 49 .
7 Royal Bank of Scotland a pioneer user of video conferencing seven years ago when its merger with Williams & Glyn 's forced it to split operations between London and Edinburgh now televises meetings with its Spanish alliance partners at Banco Santander in Madrid .
8 For filtration , I now combine undergravel with external and , as with all heavy feeders , you need to turn over the capacity of the tank at least three times an hour .
9 Briefly imprisoned himself , Joe has been freed on appeal and now plays cards with the Midwestern neighbours who shunned him .
10 A number of people who were previously healthy now reported difficulties with their memory , digestion , concentration and muscle control .
11 It seems Rover is now keeping faith with old faithfuls but analysts are looking more at the motives rather than the marketing .
12 They now provided Sukarno with a vehicle for polemic and controversy which enabled him to regain a place in the public eye .
13 This group was set up to support mums facing the challenges of their current of future employment outside the home and in fact now has links with the Working Mothers Association ( I am the local contact with WMA ) .
14 After a recent stroke she now needs help with shopping and heavy housework .
15 Gastro-enterologist consultant Dr John Collins said : ‘ GPs can now send patients with ulcers and indigestion problems up to us directly , bypassing out-patient clinics and reducing the waiting time by several months . ’
16 The god of conspicuous consumption has been refashioned , and money-harvesters now worship frugality with style .
17 Elsewhere , guidebooks now pinpoint severity with laser accuracy — grades : adjectival and numerical : even death-potential ; and those oh-so-helpful lists , usually hidden away at the back , slightly shamefacedly among the first ascent details .
18 The Diploma in Education for nurse/midwife teachers now allows students with Masters ' degrees to qualify within a reduced time-span .
19 C.L.R.James did not concur with the British Left on this matter , having already declined George Padmore 's invitation to join him in his work with the Communist International , he now joined forces with a group of Marxist , anti-Stalinist radicals within the Independent Labour Party .
20 Picton-Howell , who later became an editorial researcher , now bombarded Jackson with demands about maternity leave , paternity leave , day-nursery facilities and more mundane and familiar matters such as car mileage allowance and overtime payments .
21 As a result , Regional Railways is now holding discussions with every local authority with a population of more than 250,000 from Aberdeen to Plymouth .
22 Philip looked at him now holding Caspar with one hand and throwing bits of stick at the dead magpie to knock it off the branch .
23 Borland International Inc has now reached agreement with WordPerfect Corp for marketing of the Borland Office for Windows suite in international markets , and says it plans to start shipments within 60 days .
24 Few exporters can now avoid involvement with foreign currencies as they trade in increasingly diverse and competitive markets and a willingness to accept a customers preferred currency can be a strong marketing tool when negotiating a contract .
25 Alberta , with an estimated 80 affected people , and British Columbia , with 115 , have now entered negotiations with provinical CHS chapters to determine compensation , while Prince Edward Island , and Saskatchewan are expected soon to follow suit .
26 Now compare Foucault with Derrida :
27 Many Americans regret the fact that they now discuss sport with the passion that 200 years ago they brought to everyday debates on theories of representative government ( and , as historians of the revolution have made plain , there really were such debates ) .
28 The Society are now having talks with various parties , regarding a suitable site , and are hopeful of being able to start work on the project before the end of the year .
29 Officials at Bulmers are now having talks with Euro MPs in the hope that together they can stop the tax increase from going through .
30 Yet for others , these rights demonstrate that women have now gained equality with men .
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