Example sentences of "now [be] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The guns will now be de-activated and used in training and as teaching aids by Durham Police .
2 The transmitter should now be operated and the l.e.d. held pointing downwards approximately 10cm away from the top of the phototransistor on the receiver unit .
3 If they had been , then his own parents and the rest of his kind would now be gone and the territory might be free .
4 That should now be forgiven and forgotten .
5 Virtually all items previously classified as extraordinary will now be charged or credited in arriving at earnings , but they should also be reclassified as exceptional and should therefore continue to be disclosed .
6 These relatively recent discoveries have meant that food sensitivity can now be recognized and dealt with far more effectively .
7 However , in the FDP ( which was itself troubled by a financial scandal in 1981 ) certain elements believed that government spending must now be cut and taxes lowered .
8 Through the hierarchical assembly of geometric domains , the relationship of all piece-parts are established and , via the attribute sets , their functionality can now be determined and checked .
9 The device should now be dismounted and unloaded .
10 First , the Authority 's approach to each of the elements of practice central to PNP — needs , curriculum , teaching strategies and home-school — can now be strengthened and extended in the light of the material presented in our twelve reports ; each of these elements , though specific to PNP , is also a perennial concern in education and the issues therefore remain important .
11 Production schedules will now be reorganised and the target trimmed from 460 planes .
12 The regulator box wiring must now be disconnected and the three large wires connected to each other ( A , A1 and D ) and insulated from the bulkhead .
13 The green shoots of recovery may now be twitching but it will be a long time before the unemployment figures level off .
14 Ways of organising struggles that were appropriate to a phase of economic growth and full employment must now be reviewed and revised ; although the scope and diversity of trade union education have remained admirably broad even under the impact of the crisis , defence of past achievements must as ever be supported by an appraisal of shortcomings and deficiencies .
15 In view of the widespread publicity given to Peter Wright 's book " Spycatcher " it was felt that such damage could not now be established and the injunction against publication was discharged .
16 The resistor can now be removed and the instrument will be ready for use .
17 The observed price of the object can then be decomposed and thought of as a weighted sum of the prices of each characteristic ; since one does not observe all the attributes , a part of the price of each drawing will remain unexplained , and contain the influence of time ( the trend , if any ) , as well as random elements ; this is the ‘ characteristic free ’ ( i.e. corrected for quality ) price of a drawing ; these prices can now be added and by taking annual averages , one obtains the ‘ average price of the year ’ .
18 Lord James added : ‘ These efforts must now be redoubled and focused increasingly on the most pressing problems . ’
19 They will now be refurbished and placed as pole-mounted gate guardians at the entrance to the Museum .
20 The bids confirmed that they were best to hang on to them and they will now be refurbished and pole-mounted at the entrance to the Museum .
21 What had appeared as almost revolutionary in terms of content in films made between 1928 and 1932 would now be controlled and integrated into a smoother package .
22 Additional modules names may now be entered or the range of existing modules extended .
23 The following approximations for S c can now be used and , remembering that , then Substitution in equation ( 12.29b ) gives a WLF equation where
24 The animals must now be slaughtered or sent back to Czechoslovakia , which he feels is a completely impractical and rather cynical suggestion .
25 The embankments which he had vainly tried to have reinforced by the zemindars would now be brimming and beginning to overflow … within a few hours the country around the embankments would be flooded and ignorance , stupidity and superstition would have triumphed once more as they have triumphed again and again in human affairs since time began !
26 A number of particularly important a.c. bridges will now be described and their circuits analysed to find their individual double balance conditions .
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