Example sentences of "now [vb past] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The EPLF , however , now sought a UN-sponsored referendum on the future of Eritrea .
2 The Burnham Committee , which had since the First World War been responsible for determining the salaries of teachers , now produced a unified scheme , making no formal distinction between the remuneration of teachers in Primary , secondary modern , or grammar schools .
3 Electricity , indeed , now became a major loophole in the rationing system by which common sacrifices were imposed on all .
4 Foreign relations now became a major factor in the final fall of the Tokugawa , whose impotence to resist foreign demands became apparent to all .
5 The symptoms that he had put up with for 20 years now became a real problem .
6 The day was declared National Reconciliation Day at a ceremony held in San Salvador , the capital , and attended by President Alfredo Cristiani Burkard , senior government officials and military officers , and leaders of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) , which now became a political party .
7 What had been occasional in the fifteenth century now became a general rule .
8 The mass rally now became a powerful expression of national feeling .
9 What had started out as a quest for metallic hydrogen now became a serious hunt for fusion .
10 Talbot Square now became a focal point on the tramway system , where the new town routes met the busy Promenade track , newly relaid and extended to the Gynn .
11 El Cid now became an honoured member of Alfonso 's court — but he no longer held the high office of Ensign as he had during Sancho 's reign .
12 It now became an important through commuter station as well as a main-line terminus .
13 So from nineteen seventy seven , seventy eight the U K holidaymaker now became an overseas holidaymaker in the main .
14 Jack now planned an early start on Saturday June 14 , but this proved impossible due the strength of the winds .
15 Despite this counter-claim , Charles now ruled an extensive area : all lands from the Main to the Bay of Biscay , and from the mouth of the Rhone to the mouth of the Rhine , were under his sole dominion .
16 Cameron now expected a glancing reference to Exodus 32 and a figuring of Aaron the idolator as the rebel and troublemaker who seduced the honest Israelites with the golden calf of dangerous principles .
17 The city now realized an old dream by recovering the canals .
18 My therapy with Dr Gyggle had continued and now entered a new phase .
19 One Frenchman had taken his carbine from his holster and now tried a long shot at Sharpe , but the bullet fluttered harmlessly overhead .
20 The reforms were interpreted as an attempt to transform the PRI from an authoritarian party into one with increased domestic and international credibility , one objective being a legitimate electoral victory over the conservative National Action Party ( PAN ) and the Party of the Democratic Revolution ( PRD ) which now posed a serious electoral threat .
21 Mines and submarines now posed a potent peril to an enemy 's ships , and the Germans , conscious of their numerical inferiority at sea , at first resolved to deploy these rather than risk a major naval battle .
22 Her hand now cradled a tiny canister ; what a conjuror she could be .
23 And it now provided a convenient framework for the praise of a comital lineage .
24 These schools now provided a free alternative to expensive private education — so that the number of middle-class children in them rose .
25 The British Rail scheme would certainly cost less than the old plan as it now proposed a single-track tunnel , not a twin tunnel .
26 She now moved a few steps backwards and sat down again , straightening out one leg and rubbing it as she did so .
27 He now built an intricate series of reservoirs , together with houses for himself , workers , and apprentices .
28 Those of us who had been drawn towards Labour as a party of change now received a sharp reminder that whatever else it was at local level , it was at national level still essentially an electoral machine .
29 Once a holy city and ( from 1049 ) the seat of the O'Connor Kings of Connaught , Tuam now resembled a relaxed , fairly prosperous market town in Sussex .
30 The Germans , halted at Ypres , now adopted a defensive stance in the west while trying to reach a victorious conclusion in the east , where much of the military activity of 1915 was to take place .
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