Example sentences of "now [be] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The JPs , who spent the rest of the day hearing other cases , will now be the subject of an inquiry by the Lord Chancellor 's Office .
2 What seemed to be well-established doctrine a few years ago may now be the subject of extensive debate .
3 Jan Turner says he 's delighted with the way the race has gone and Kathmandu will now be the race everyone wants to run in …
4 The implementation of that policy will now be the responsibility of the regional health authorities .
5 The principal work of three judge courts will now be the determination of appeals from the High Court where the amount of the claim or counterclaim exceeds the county court limits .
6 It might now be the case that the best guarantee of future oil supplies lies in the mutual economic interests that exist between Arab oil exporting economies and the industrial North .
7 The importance of such rights , and the feeling that they were fundamental to the workings of society , is reflected in the fact that when one ruler ceded territory to another it was usually defined in terms of jurisdictions and local administrative divisions ( on the French frontiers , for example , baillages , prévotés , sénéchaussées or communes ) and not , as would now be the case , in those of lines laid down in precise geographical terms and illustrated by a map .
8 The decision in Chamberlain was also followed and referred to in Vestey v IRC 31 TC 1 but Lord Reid did give a warning : The ingenuity of those who devise these schemes is such that it might be rash to say that property can never be comprised in a settlement unless it is charged with rights in favour of others , but I think as a general rule this must now be the test .
9 The ingenuity of those who devise those schemes is such that it might be rash to say that property could never be comprised in the settlement unless it is charged with rights in favour of others , but I think that as a general rule this must now be the test .
10 It will now be the duty of
11 What is clear beyond doubt is that the level of intensional entities can not be identified with any level or world of objectively existing referents ; ( 25 ) is a perfectly coherent remark despite the fact that the speaker explicitly denies the existence of one of the principal participants in it : ( 25 ) If Jack had married , his wife would now be the dowager duchess of Luntshire
12 Since the initial idea first surfaced in January 1992 with racing scheduled for the spring of ‘ 93 and then the summer , it will now be the autumn at least before the traps ‘ lift . ’
13 Because it was once the party of nationalisation , it can not now be the party of the small shareholder .
14 Her instinct told her that atavistic attitudes , once so popular under John Major 's predecessor , might not now be the thing .
15 It can now be the difference between keeping a market share or losing it .
16 In accordance with the former practice but , as I hold , contrary to what should now be the practice under the Children Act 1989 , the justices have provided further reasons extending to three pages .
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