Example sentences of "no way [prep] the " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It was no way for the holder to go out .
2 But in our draught-proofed and often over-heated homes , there is no way for the chemicals and gases to escape , so they accumulate .
3 Forged vouchers were sometimes detected , but usually there was no way for the slaughterhouse manager to know whether or not an animal was stolen .
4 So long as China has the PLA as its powerful back-up , attempts by ( Western ) hostile forces are doomed to failure , and there is absolutely no way for the socialist system to be abolished on the earth . ’
5 A friend wrote requesting to have his salary allotted to the widow " and that she would get a person to do the business " , but Barratt could see no way for the widow to be of service .
6 This was no way for the opener of a bazaar and the guest of honour to arrive , she thought indignantly .
7 There was no way into the quire climbing over his lordship , but under … ?
8 There 's no way into the playground from the square and by the time you get round by the road , whoever it was will be home and dry . ’
9 But there is no way into the house , except by the typewriter 's sinking steps .
10 And once in , there was no way through the blank windows .
11 There was no further reward in points for Leicester , however , because they could find no way through the Harlequin wall .
12 This train — every train ! — was so packed you would think there was no way through the carriage , but a constant stream of vendors , women and boys mostly , moved through between stations , dipping and ducking , squeezing past passengers .
13 Her hands encountered no resistance , but found no way through the fog .
14 Given that there was no way through the glass itself , she had to have entered from somewhere .
15 For a few moments she thought she was trapped , with no way through the high walls that surrounded this part of the garden .
16 In between these two routes there is no way across the surface but there are plenty of underground passages which lead under the mountains .
17 While the children were practising on the robins , Little Billy said to Don Mini , ‘ Is there no way in the world to get rid of that disgusting Red-Hot Smoke-Belching Gruncher down below ? ’
18 The first , noted by Labov with respect to the Philadelphia neighbourhood studies , is that however good the data there is no way in the absence of a supplementary broader study of locating it in a wider sociolinguistic context .
19 No way in the world . ’
20 And there was something about him , an aura of confidence and power , as he stood there facing her across the bonnet of the Mini that told her that even if she 'd been driving a tank there was no way in the world he would have let her go past .
21 ‘ But , as for these … ’ with a gesture of contempt she held up the copies of the agreement ‘ … there 's no way in the world I 'm going to sign these , so you can make a bonfire with them , if you like ! ’
22 But in her heart she knew there was no way in the world she would ever take up this incredible offer , which had been prompted by motives she could not even begin to fathom .
23 She might have found him attractive , but there was no way in the world she could ever give a damn about a man who was as dishonest and as hard-hearted as he was !
24 Because they have so much trouble finding beds in London hospitals , they 've got this little company set up to do the job for the doctors , so there is no way in the world that I can believe there 's a shortage of beds .
25 It was hard to believe that this generously smiling woman was the same predatory creature she 'd been watching just a moment ago — but the image she had seen was seared in her brain , and suddenly she knew there was no way in the world that she could allow this woman to be a mother to Kirsty .
26 There was no way in the world that he would deliberately inflict on her a woman who was unsuitable to be her mother .
27 There was no way in the world she could deny that earnest , almost pleading look in his eyes .
28 ‘ Do n't worry , there was no way in the world that I would ever have allowed Janice to get anywhere near her . ’
29 No way in the world , if I won a million pounds again .
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