Example sentences of "more so [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was true that the Simonova 's earthing crew had been slow to react — the more so since they must have been required to perform a similar task on both of the platforms which had been docked and inspected previously .
2 The more so since I possess your well-known restraint only in small measure . ’
3 But even some admirers were puzzled by the aggressively public way he has pursued it , the more so since he has been careful to acknowledge that there may not be enough rebels to defeat the Government 's legislation with — ‘ a sad day for me ’ — Labour 's help .
4 Harfleur had taught him a lesson : he must be properly prepared for siege warfare , all the more so since he now planned a conquest which could only be achieved through sieges and the show of effective military might .
5 As a result she was present at the important council meetings at the end of the year and it would be surprising if her voice was not heard in the discussions about the future of Aquitaine — all the more so since she could be expected to have some influence over her children , and particularly over Richard .
6 He is a volatile character , far more so than me , and he came and went as he pleased .
7 more so than they did in , in nineteen fourteen , it 's
8 Right , because we need land to produce food , more so than we need land to produce cars or tape recorders or whatever that sort of militates against economies of scale , and that 's why we have erm , a large number of relatively small producers in this country and throughout the world .
9 Very very much more effective , perhaps more so than we at first realize , although it is almost obvious when we reflect further .
10 And th and we 've sustained that now for several months erm much more so than we did when we did the thing at the end of ninety one .
11 It had been great fun , much more so than he had anticipated .
12 The 38-year-old now enjoys hero status as a manager among Hillsborough fans — more so than he ever did as a player elsewhere .
13 Even more so than he had done the previous time , I said did n't you hear this about this at the station meeting and he said it had n't been brought up .
14 Our last Letters are dated Hobart Town Feb. 9 up to which time his expedition had been eminently successful ; far more so than he could have anticipated ; the most liberal assistance had been rendered him by the Authorities , everything that could facilitate his views being cheerfully accorded : while nothing could exceed the kindness of Sir John and Lady Franklin in whose house he was then residing : in fact so much were they interested in his pursuits that upon more than one occasion they accompanied him in his exploring parties .
15 Except I am much more so than you !
16 Nervy or not , she was particularly convincing in her role as Olwyn , more so than she had been in previous rehearsals .
17 More so than I do , ’ Bodie said evenly .
18 I find it boring , it 's not particularly useful — it 's very academic , more so than I would have expected it to be .
19 All four men stood in the room and Farrell raised the pistol once more so that it was aimed at the agent 's head .
20 ‘ Very poetic , my little tormenter , ’ he chided , tightening his arms even more so that she could hardly breathe .
21 Sir Ralph wished me to stay during the Yuletide season — even more so after he became distraught and upset . ’
22 However , by assimilating and making their own so many Greek gods , literary conventions , artistic forms , philosophical ideas and social customs , they put themselves and the Greeks in a unique reciprocal situation ; the more so because they made their own language an instrument of thought which could rival Greek and render Greek ideas with remarkable precision ( though the Greeks never quite accepted the fact ) .
23 Beneath his new submissiveness Herr Nordern felt another flicker of exasperation , the more so because he was being submissive .
24 It was always good , the more so because he spent a great deal of time trapped indoors by his choice of work , a choice governed by his wish to acquire a useful little nest-egg in a relatively short time .
25 Absurdly , she felt hurt ; the more so because she understood his feelings about his name .
26 There was something about her that was sensuous , all the more so because she had no idea about it .
27 Robbie bristled indignantly , the more so because she had felt strangely bereft at the thought of being without his company .
28 It is an emphatic enclosure : the more so because it permits movement , through its mouth , between outside and inside .
29 It is perhaps also the feature which from a ‘ curriculum manager 's ’ viewpoint most restricts his or her professional discretion — all the more so because it is an extension of the existing educational culture : an innovation which to many people seems commonsensical , operating as it were ‘ with the grain ’ of the system .
30 It was a small undertaking , only sixteen feet wide , three feet deep , and about three miles long , but it was a remarkable work for its time , all the more so because it was a municipal enterprise .
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